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Why are you asking after 5 years of this situation? Have the caregiving requirements suddenly increased? Was your pay satisfactory until now?

For the record, YES, you are being underpaid. Are you being paid under the table?

What are the terms of your caregiving contract?

How old are you?
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Most of the agencies I've spoken with recently charge about $395 A DAY for live-in caregiving. If you are working 24/7 and living in, you are being underpaid.
Helpful Answer (2)
BurntCaregiver Aug 2023

That is agency prices. Private prices are different and most of the time the caregiver is paid in cash.

No judgment on families who hire this way because most people can't afford $395 a day for help. No caregiver sees $395 a week in their hand. Most agencies take at least half of that money.

With private hires the wages can be negotiated. The caregiver usually does pretty well and comes out with more in the hand then they'd get from an agency.

Room and board is also factored in as part of the wage agreement. It of course is not a replacement for actual wages, but it is part of the deal.

When the cost of what a rent, food, and utilities are factored in, depending on where the OP lives that $450 a week may be a sweet deal.

Where I live a studio (one room) apartment starts at around $1,100 a month and that's with no utilities.
Do you really need to ask a message board if you are being underpaid?

If you are working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week you are getting paid $2.67 and hour. So YES you are getting underpaid.

$450 a week for 24 hour care is assinine and you are not only being underpaid you are being taken advantage of.

You could work at McDonalds or any other fast food place right now and get paid $14 - $20 an hour depending on where you live. At least then you would have 2 days off a week, and you won't have to work 24 hours a day.
Helpful Answer (2)
BurntCaregiver Aug 2023

There are reasons why someone doesn't go to work at McDonald's for more money.

Like they're getting paid in cash or they are illegally in the United States and can't work 'on the books'. Or they're getting some form of government assistance and will get cut off it if they show income.

I agree that most workers getting paid in cash are being taken advantage of and many are exploited in other ways too.

That's the price people pay when they work illegally and don't pay taxes on their earnings.
Are you a live-in? Are you expected to be there 24/7 with no time off? If so, thats slavery. I think you need to call the County Labor Board and find out what the law concerning live-ins is in ur state.

Next time you work as a Caregiver have a contract. Also, you are not considered self-employed by the IRS. Your employer is responsible for payroll deductions. Working under the table may be a way of not paying taxes, but it means that no money goes into ur SS or Medicare. You cannot collect if u have not paid in.
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You are vastly underpaid. Even if you are getting room and board, you're being expected to be on duty all day, every day. It's not a good situation for you.
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Looking into overnight care for my MIL, all the sibs found was that it would cost MIL about $12,000 a MONTH. That's for one 'awake' CG for 12 hrs.

The best NH they looked at was $9500 a MONTH.

Opted to utilize neither.

Too many 'ifs' in this question. I don't think anyone can adequately answer you--since you're not providing much info.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2023

I really hope that your DH and sibs will hire additional help soon!
Yes, you are woefully underpaid and overworked. Is this 98-yr old's family paying you? Or is this gent paying you himself? What will happen if he passes and owes you money? There's no contract, no proof you were his "employee", nothing to protect yourself. And, if there's no written lease, you'd be kicked out immediately by whomever inherits the house.

Also, if this client is promising you things verbally (like you can have the car after I die) -- none of it will hold up legally. You will be S.O.L. There are many cases of this posted on this forum by desperate former cash-paid live-in caregivers who are finding themselves homeless overnight. They have no legal case or claim to anything promised verbally.

Assuming you are a legal citizen or have a green card, you should consider applying at an agency. Now you have 5 years of experience so you'd be a valuable find. You need to have your own life, assuming you aren't a senior yourself. If you don't pay into SS and Medicare through payroll tax withholding, you are screwing yourself over for your own sunset years of needing care. Medicaid, a critical social "safety net" in elder years, almost never extends to people who are not here legally (just saying, in case this is your scenario).

If you're worried about leaving this client, you can report him to APS as a vulnerable adult. They will take care of all his basic needs. You need to take care of yourself first and foremost.
Helpful Answer (2)

You are way underpaid. If this gentleman needs twenty four hours of care, you should be paid a flat rate per day. You are supposed to get at least eight hours of sleep when you are working on an overnight case. However, you may be awakened out of your sleep to perform nursing duties such as turning the patient every two hours or other needed duties such as adult brief changes and etc.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2023
So very true about being awakened during the night. When mom was living with us, I woke up during the night. It’s a big job for one person. Helpers are needed so primary caregivers don’t feel like zombies the next day!
Im the one who posted the question am I getting under pay. Thank you all for your replies. However this is for Burnt out. No I'm not on any type of welfare and my kids are all grown up with collage degrees. I'm 52 years old and if you ask before you voice your somewhat racist opinion you will see it's not that simple. Maybe I should have given more info but you should have not made yourself an a*****e and yes I'm a citizen who served my country in the U S Army.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Sep 2023
Have you ever received a raise during your employment? Have a discussion with your employer and ask them for a raise.

Best of luck to you. Caregiving is the hardest thing I have ever done. Mom lived with us for many years.
It depends on where you live and your "qualifications"
The "black and white" of it you are being paid $18.75 per hour.
But that is not legal.
You can not work 24 hours a day.
You need breaks
You need days off
If you are working more than the maximum hours you need to be paid overtime.
If you are being paid "under the table" you are missing out on quarters added to your work history so you now have at least 5 years that are unaccounted for when you wish to collect Social Security. This may also impact your Medicare benefits.
So in my opinion you are being not just underpaid but also being cheated out of your future benefits.
OK! I was corrected. My math was not just off as cwillie pointed out it was WAY WAY off. You are being paid just under $2.67 per hour.
This is way under minimum wage. So yes you are under paid.

@cwillie...thank you for correcting me.
Helpful Answer (1)
cwillie Aug 2023
Your math is off, $18.75/hour would be $450 per day, not per week
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