
My mom has Alzheimer's and was 302 to a facility; I have asked for a copy of this and have hit nothing but brick walls by the Dept of Public Heatlh; says mental health files sealed. I feel mom's rights were violated as I was not present at the hearing when this occurred. I am told go to attorney who wrote and state specifically Mental health. I want a copy of her file.

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You are in luck. The PA attorney generals office will take your complaint online. Go to and start the ball rolling.
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Your attorney will get the file as part of the appeals process. It's pretty difficult to get a "not guilty by reason of insanity" section 302 ruling. It's not just a hearing, it is a full blown evaluation by at least two psychiatrists under court appointment. Should you be able to reverse the ruling, the criminal charges would come back into play. Are you sure you want to do this?
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My mom was 302 from a facility for her actions due to the ALZ for med adjustment; I am not trying to reverse any decisiions I just want a copy of this hearing and file. there are no criminal charges except maybe her patients rights by the facility who generated it.
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What state is she in? If she had a hearing, she had an attorney there didn't she?
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PA; and no attorney that I am aware of or she can tell me about. And it's been a mystery why I can not get any information; I turned a complaint against the hosp; still holding the HIPA laws. They keep telling me mental health files sealed.
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thank you....
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