
My 85 year old Granny has been in hospice care since May 2018 after she was diagnosed with colon cancer. She pretty much doesn't eat anything and is down to 69 pounds, she may eat a couple of junior mints or some candy, but she won't eat any food. She just asked me yesterday for beer, do you think the hospice nurses will allow her to have beer? My concern is the alcohol interacting with her medications, but the beer would provide her with needed calories.

Has anyone else experienced this? Did you get the their requested beer/alcohol?

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@ Enderby, If someone is in Hospice, they do not go to the hospital.
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enderby Oct 2018
Not really the point of my reply, but if you go to the hospital for healing treatment of the same ailment you were admitted to hospice for, you must be removed from hospice first. You can, however, go to the hospital for unrelated conditions. You could also be removed from hospice, go to the hospital, then be readmitted to hospice. We had that situation.
I think you misunderstand my point. It is important to work with the care staff, case nurse, and doctor to let them know what you are doing. Beer can become part of the care plan. Staff may believe something to be physically wrong if alcohol and drugs interact and they are not aware of the alcohol.
Give her a beer. please.

My grandmother was in hospice and came home and asked for a drink, Oh No it might kill her. She was dying. Give her a beer.
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Give her the beer 🍺
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My uncle was in a hospice. Their rule was they could have anything they wanted.
So my Uncle had a 'half' after his light tea (Sandwich, jelly etc.)

I would think they adjusted his meds too, but anything he wanted meant MEDS too.

For goodness they, they are dying.
So they just as well die comfortable and as happy as you can make them.

They were such lovely people.
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At some of the nursing homes that I worked, I have had families ask the doctor to write a "prescription" for "1 can of beer per week as needed"; and then the family gave the nursing home a couple cans of beer so that the resident could drink beer while watching football games on his TV.  I have also had families bring in a can of beer or a small bottle of wine that they shared with the resident--AFTER a doctor's order was gotten and AFTER the family informed the Nurse ON DUTY that the resident was drinking alcohol that day so that the nurse could modify or not give certain medications at the same time that the resident was drinking alcohol.

To be on the "Safe Side", get a doctor's order for "One  Half to One can of Beer every 24 hours PRN".
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Don't ask don't tell is the best advice. Bring a cold can in you pocket and pour a little into one of the disposable cups from the water cooler. Give her as much as she wants but it probably will only be a few sips then destroy the evidence as you leave
Helpful Answer (6)
enderby Oct 2018
Good intention, but not really a good idea. Work with hospice or the doctor to make it part of the treatment plan. It could interact with meds and make the staff think something else is wrong.
An extreme example - Say she is usually alert and active for dinner, but the beer and meds make her fall asleep in her plate. They then take her to the hospital because they cannot fully wake her. It is much better to be up front.
Oh my, if that woman asks for anything, give it to her. Any and everything she asks for. With all she is coping with, ease at least her wishes for beer! Consider the quality of her life. Not pretty, is it? GIVE HER THE BEER and smile while doing it. In fact, pour one for yourself!
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anonymous444729 Oct 2018
Have you considered giving her a 'Near Beer'? It has all the taste of beer, but no alcohol. My husband drinks these when he's craving a beer, but can't afford to drink and drive.
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I have a friend who ALWAYS celebrated New Year's day with her mother, who had dementia and resided in a nursing home, with mimosas. It was their tradition and it continued through the late stage of her mother's life. She said she could just tell that her mom was able to enjoy it, though, she was no longer verbal.
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I have been wondering the same. My grandma is in a nursing home and I certainly can't sneak her in 1 beer. But she sure wants one. I would really like to give her one and I know that would not be good. If I were you....just ask the hospice people. Perhaps they could adjust that days meds for a beer? I don't know.
I know this stuff is so hard. And we just want them to enjoy something like that. But I'd definitely ask. Even one beer will interact with the meds.
I wish you the best with your Dad. And I'm sending "virtual" love and support over the internet. I'm pretty new and still not sure how to navigate through everything. But I'd like to know if Dad gets a smile out of the simple pleasure of drinking a beer. Hang in there!!
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Confounded Oct 2018
A few years ago, my best friend became a quadriplegic with cognitive deficits following a major stroke, plus she was in final-stage kidney disease. I was able, near the end, to sneak in wine and ... ummm ... herbal (yup!) tea, though not as much as she deserved, nor as much as I would have liked.

But, that little bit I was able to wangle, did help.

If you are able to do a bit of research on what meds she's taking, and what possible reactions would result, it might help with decision making. Either way.
I would not give her any alcohol, especially because the drugs/medicines that she is being given while in Hospice, are to 'shorten her life' ... I am sorry to say that - and that might interfere with the painkillers/opiods she is on now.
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worriedinCali Sep 2018
Wow this is so wrong it’s not even funny! Hospice meds are NOT to shorten someone’s life. And even if they were, why would that be a reason to deny someone a BEER?
See 4 more replies
by all means, talk to the Hospice nurses; but at her age and health, why deny her something that will make her feel good. The likelihood of it having much negative impact is most likely very small, especially when compared to the good it will do for her.
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She can do and have anything that makes her happy and feel good. Celebrate with her!!!
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My 96 year old father is in hospice, too. There should really be no reason to keep them from an occasional (or daily) beer, wine, etc. They have more than earned this simple pleasure.
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Why would hospice have any say so over what a patient drinks or eats? I read their paperwork and I didn't see anything about such restrictions.
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worriedinCali Sep 2018
They don’t have any say in it. If there is concerned interactions over the medications she is on, a pharmacist could be consulted.
There is an old saying that when someone reaches very old age, that they can start the "proverbial smoking and drinking." However, if she's only consuming candy, drinking beer may not be good for her physical wellness, but great for her emotional well being.
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k12144 Sep 2018
Being terminally-ill isn't good for her physical wellness either... who cares what she eats and drinks at this point?
Ask the Hospice care team.
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My mom drinks a little wine with dinner. She also likes Saki. But then, she still eats meat and fish and has a good appetite. She doesn't take any medication, whatsoever, except for baby aspirin three times a week.

I would give your grandmother some beer if that's what she wants. She isn't driving or operating any equipment.

I forgot to mention that my mom is 89, is in the end stage of Alzheimer's, no longer walks or talks, except a little gibberish, and sits in a wheel chair. She was kicked off hospice earlier this month because she was stable and not dying any time soon.
Helpful Answer (1)
Oregongirl Sep 2018
Are you kidding. Of course she is dying. My dad went thru same thing. They kept his wiskey in frig. He was tied into his wheel chair. They said for his own good. I was in New York he was in CA. He carried me everywhere as a child. I was paralized on my rt side. Then it just went away. But the greatest dad on Earth. When I found out about the wheel chair it was when my sister called me. He wanted to go to bed. They ignored him. He lifted himself and wheel chair into bed. I know figure that one out. Good thing I was not there,. I would have been arrested. What about aids lying on floor. Nope not me...
If Granny has made it this far having a beer now and then, I'd give her two. Please check with her physician first. He/She could even prescribe it. When I worked at the local hospital in  my area there was an older gentleman who was prescribed a shot of whiskey every day. The nurses kept the bottle in the med room and would carry the shot to his room on a little med tray. Why not. I would add some of her favorite music to the party.

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My dad was on hospice at home. Hospice said to give him anything he asked for. He asked for beer so we gave him beer. Anything that brings comfort is good.
God be with you.
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ask them for the interactions long as she has no mental problem it is still good to ..maybe she would eat ..
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Give Granny whatever she wants. My friend wanted a steak. I ground up a cooked roast and fed him puree. He Loved it. The flavor was what he missed. Give her the beer. Slowly. I will ask for a Gin and tonic
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Hospice. End of life. Die happy I say!!!
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When my late husband was in hospice, beer was the only think he asked for. He didn't want food, and actually he didn't drink all that much beer--just said he wanted the taste of it and rarely drank more than 1/2 bottle per day.
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My Dad was a diabetic on Hospice. He loved cinnamon sticky buns. I bought him some and he was allowed one a day.
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Yes. At this stage of her life, she should have anything she wants.
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off topic but related my grandmother has dementia and always wants mickey d
s. they should get it its a comfort to taste it while they are still here.
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It would be good to know what the interaction between alcohol and meds might be and then make an informed decision.

The non-alcoholic beer would be a good back up plan.

Anyone on hospice should be given what they want because they have a terminal condition, have stopped treatment for that condition, and the goal of hospice is comfort.

18 months ago I spent 4 months bringing my mom back from death's door. First two months was a downward spiral as I carefully followed medical advice, The change happened when I focused on her favorite foods. I also tried new things based on what she seemed to respond to. A few key things that helped more than others were 1) variety of carbonated flavored water 2) Ginger Ale, 3) Gatorade (one bottle of each favor and then rotate the ones she liked), 4) high protein drinks like Ensure (rotated the favors and would use as milk on cereal once she started eating again), 5) 100% Pure New England Maple Syrup, 6) butter, 7) variety of prepared bagged salads that include the dressing.

It was a educated guessing game. Family members initially thought I was crazy and I didn't care. By the start of the 4th month family was offering suggestions and making special trips to the store. Mom has been back at home for the past 14 months. She had 2 days in the hospital for the flu last New Years and a handful of Dr visits mostly for UTIs. She is 93 and going for 100. As her strength returned, she again insists on sweeping the driveway so we supervise and have learned to be on the down slope side. Family thanked me for thinking outside of the box and being willing to go with my gut despite the mild 'you are crazy' push back they initially offered up.
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When my father was at the hospice facility, the family across the hall brought in a pony keg to share with the patient. The nurses may not let her have beer and opioids at the same time, but it's worth asking.
Helpful Answer (4)
Oregongirl Sep 2018
Why ask? She is dying. I remember telling the nurse my mom was getting way to high from the drugs. She looked at me square in the eye and said, your mother is dying.
She can have anything she wants. The only consideration would be if it would cause an uncomfortable side effect when mixed with the palliative medications she's probably receiving. That should be discussed with the hospice staff.
I agree with others that she may just want the taste of beer and probably won't drink much of it.
Ceasing to eat or drink is part of the natural process of dying. She doesn't need calories. It can be the hardest thing to accept for loved ones. It helped me to keep in mind that, when a dying person eats in order to make their family members feel better, it actually makes them feel worse.
It's time for everyone to follow your grandmother's lead. She's in charge for this journey. She's not a 'patient' anymore.
Helpful Answer (7)
drooney Sep 2018
My SIL was on Hospice. She asked for "a yard of ale". She was happy to see the tall glass of ale we provided. She just sipped some and said "thank you , so much"! That was it for her, didn't want any more. Think it was just the thought not the actual beverage. Usually she was more of a martini drinker, but never asked for that!. Can't see how any alcohol can be a really big problem for a terminally ill person.
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