
Hi everyone!
My mom's memory care facility has just had it's second covid breakout. My mom and her boyfriend are quarantined to their room and are being tested today. The facility doesn't provide TV in the rooms because they want people to get out of their rooms and socialize. Is getting a Covid breakout twice in a facility normal? Also, my mom said that she could get TV but it costs extra, which I'm looking into. The facilitymade it known to me that they don't like people to stay in their rooms watching TV all day. Is that normal? Thank you for helping me figure this out.
Another thing- the caseworker wants me to sign a form saying that I am mom's "personal representative " because I handle paying her bills. I have to do that because she doesn't have current i.d. and the only way to pay her bills is with her debit card. I've already been under DHS's thumb before and was forced to take care of her even though I am disabled and she was physically abusive to me. Getting hit with a metal cane was not fun. I was literally told that even with advance notice, if I left, a warrant would be issued for my arrest. I've already been told by a lawyer that I could sue the State for false imprisonment, so I'm very leary of DHS. I'm currently living in her run down manufactured home in a park and my partner and I have done major renovations through the years, but we're getting too old to do that. He has inoperable degenerative disc disease and I have neuropathy amoungst other things. Sorry to ramble on. I'm just giving y'all some information to clarify my situation. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for any help and prayers that you can provide.

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My mother’s MC has had 3 COVID breakouts in 3 years.

Lots of people going in and out=lots of transmission of germs.
Helpful Answer (1)
purplebadger Feb 28, 2024
Very true! I'm going to be shipping her some masks and hand sanitizer tomorrow. Whether or not she uses these aren't in my control, but I figure that it can't hurt. Thank you for your reply! 😊
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It's certainly becoming the new norm, especially in areas that don't enforce any infection prevention protocols, however at some facilities they often only restrict the floor or wing involved rather than the whole facility (if possible).
As for the TV - I don't know of any facility that provides that, it is something that must be arranged for and supplied by those who want it.
Helpful Answer (2)
purplebadger Feb 28, 2024
Thank you for your reply. I will ask them what I need to do to get mom and her boyfriend TV if possible. From my experience with the care facility, they don't have strict protocols in place unless they're experiencing an outbreak. Other than the 2 outbreaks, things have gone well there and I feel blessed to have mom at this place. Thanks again for your informative reply and I hope you have a good day!
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Where my OP's are, 5 so far!
Helpful Answer (2)
purplebadger Feb 28, 2024
Thank you so much for your reply. My goodness, five breakouts?!! That's quite a lot. Plus there's that new disease that's being contracted specifically at hospitals and clinics. I wish you and your family well and am sending prayers your way.
2 so far and a few staff members at the facility. 10 Day quarantine for all, test after 5 days. For those living in the facility, confinement to room for full 10
Helpful Answer (2)
purplebadger Feb 29, 2024
Wow! That's a lot of breakouts of covid. I just have to get used to the fact that covid is now a part of life. God bless you and thank you for your reply. 💕
Covid isn’t gone, and most likely is here to stay. So we can expect these breakouts to continue to happen in an out of facilities.
Helpful Answer (3)
purplebadger Feb 29, 2024
True. I am mailing her gloves, masks and hand sanitizer today. Thank you for your reply. It's so nice to have a place to come to for help and advice.
"I was literally told that even with advance notice, if I left, a warrant would be issued for my arrest."

Who told you this?

If you become her personal representative make sure you know how to sign documents so that you're not liable for anything. Personal representative is not the same as a PoA or legal guardian.

Also, my MIL's LTC facility in MN has had multiple cases. No one has died, no one was even hospitalized. Unlike the first time, where 9 elders on her floor alone died.
Helpful Answer (1)
purplebadger Feb 29, 2024
Hi! Thank you for your reply! APS told me that after knowing that she was hitting me with her cane, and I mean HARD! But I noticed that when I was told that, the woman's voice lowered, so she darned well knew that she was playing me. I'm so sorry that you and your MIL had 9 people die on her floor. That must've been so scary.
I don't know how to properly sign documents as a personal representative, so if you or anyone else knows, I'd really appreciate the information. I REALLY don't want to be a personal representative because I see it as a way for DHS to use me to do their jobs and I NEVER want to be under their thumb again. Every caseworker I have seen has been very sneaky and underhanded. I don't mean to sound rude or judgemental, but it's true. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and knowledge with me. 💜
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My FIL’s AL had 2 outbreaks between Thanksgiving and New Years . My FIL came down with it New Year’s Day 2024 and died 5 days later . 2 others in rooms across the hall from him died as well .

It is never going away .
Helpful Answer (2)
Anxietynacy Feb 29, 2024
So sorry, way unfortunately it's not. I know quite a few people who's health hasn't been the same since having covid. Not only are people still dieing from it they also are having lasting issues.
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In my DH aunts facility they quarantine in their rooms. I’ve been called once but they have had more.

Aunt has never had covid and has been fully vaccinated. It was difficult to get the last vaccine.

About the personal rep. form . This is a common term used in different facilities, maybe all?
The problem is what does your mom’s facility consider your responsibility to be as such?
Perhaps the form states that.
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If anyone ever again tells you something like 'if you left, a warrant would be issued for your arrest', ask for it in writing, signed. Also witnessed, if possible. If they won’t oblige, just ignore it. In any case, make a note of the whole incident yourself, immediately afterwards.
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Fawnby Mar 1, 2024
Also, the cameras on our phones can be invaluable. Take pictures of what's going on, make a video. Take photos of documents. Of people being mistreated. Of being rude to you. Of interactions between roommates when you want to get mom moved out of that room.

Worry about legal ramifications, if any, later.
My so’s ccrc has had a number of outbreaks
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My parents' floor in the NH is quarantined right now because of the flu. Visitors are allowed, surprisingly. I'm finding this situation annoying because they are confined to their rooms and we have to visit them separately. There is no sense of when this might be lifted. I guess it needs to run it course.

My mother's TV is not working, I did bring the situation to the attention of the staff but nothing's been done yet. I did point out to the staff that her not having a tv is happening at the worst possible time. She has her iPad and can stream her shows. But this has got to be very boring. It's been over a week now.

At least her roommate seems nice and she doesn't have dementia so at least they can have some decent conversations. We promised we'd bring them Chinese food for dinner tonight.
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