
Today my father told me my brother has tested positive for Covid. My brother was feeling tired yesterday and developed a cough today. Then my father tells me my sister-in-law, who lives with my brother, is coming over in a half hour to bring her homemade cookies over to him! He's got plenty of deserts right now and plenty of food. I was mad. I told him that if he got Covid then I'm not going to care. Am I right to be mad?

Mt father told me my sister-in-law came over, was wearing a mask and only stayed a minute. I'm mad at them all. How dumb!

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I will take this as a rant. I hope you have realized by now your family doesn't care what you think or say. I have no idea why you have stayed this long.
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Well at least the nephew and his friend stayed in the basement while his mom was there with covid and cookies. Your brother, SIL, nephew, father and yes you Lisa Trevor are so weird. You should all have your own reality TV show.
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lisatrevor Aug 2022
Thanks for the good laugh. It's what I need.

I learned today that my nephews new friend is actually an accomplished "computer nerd". Still, I'm keeping an eye out. Today they weren't at my father's. Soon both will be back in school.
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If the dil directly interacts with your father, it is a risk.

But it’s one that you say your father is cognizant to take.

Therfore, stay out of it.
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lisatrevor Aug 2022
Well, I may not go over there for awhile. I certainly don't want to get it.
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Lisa, did you hear, meaning absorb, any of what CTTN55 said to you in the last thread?

You have no say.

The fact that you keep coming to an Internet forum to ask if you’re right just reinforces your insecurity.
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You apparently must be a sucker for abuse huh as just about all of us on this forum are on to your crazy posts.
You really do need to get a life and lots of therapy as you have WAY too many issues for anyone on this forum to help you with.
Bottom's your fathers house and he can let anyone he wants into it. If you don't like it MOVE OUT, and quit bothering the good people on this forum with your nonsense.
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Elders need to be protected from Covid because the disease can be disastrous for them. I don’t know if you’re right to be mad, but they seem thoughtless and careless.
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PeggySue2020 Aug 2022
Assuming dil hasn’t tested positive, cdc guidance is that she doesn’t have to isolate or quarantine, just mask as she did.
Some time ago there was a family gathering at my parents house. My older (very narcissistic) sister who was also invited of course, took it on HERSELF to tell me and my family they couldn't come. Her reason isn't relevant. My objection was that it wasn't her call to dictate who could/couldnt come to our parents house. I told her this and she has cut me off now. What hurt more was my 'enabling' parents who didn't challenge her on this. She shouts the loudest (from forever) and plays victim so my parents are scared to say anything to her. Me and my family didn't go and although in actual fact it was a blessing for me (perfect opportunity to not engage in a toxic environment) it hurt nonetheless.
Its your fathers house and he can decide who can/can't visit him
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Is there some reason you haven't addressed this issue with the family? To me, that's the first step.
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Apparently you are on a quest to 'be mad' 24/7, so therefore, you'll find a reason to BE mad 24/7.

You can be mad or you can be happy. Your choice.

In the world right now, there are thousands of reasons to be upset, unhappy, angry, scared and most of them are justified, even. Yet happiness is a choice, an inside job, and one that we can choose no matter WHAT is going on in the world that suggests we choose misery.

You come here constantly asking for validation for your anger.

YOU tell US if you 'should be' mad or if you should choose happiness?

Oftentimes, it requires you to overlook certain 'injustices' (perceived or otherwise) that you see happening, in order to choose happiness. Ask yourself, am I better off being right or being happy?
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I was placed in a similar situation so I TOTALLY get the anger, especially when there's a vulnerable elder in the home. This virus can kill and cause lasting effects. I did everything I could to protect my 88 yr. old father and myself from contracting Covid. Two other family members in the household contracted it because one became lax with wearing mask when interacting with more people and crowds. Fortunately, my quarantine efforts protected my father and I. If I contract Covid, there's no one to take care of him. If he contracts Covid, he's more at risk of complications. So heck yeah, you have a right to be mad. I was.
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JoAnn29 Aug 2022
In this situation the father is competent and its his home. He welcomed his DIL into his house as he did his grandson.
I don’t blame you. I’ve struggled with this. Well meaning church folks are the worst. They’ve balked at mask wearing. They’ve flat out refused. They get my LO stirred up about all sorts of things that I have to sadly manage or say NO. She’s not able manage technology. They actually told her to get an iPad and get on Facebook to join church services. I tried to get her engaged with an iPad several years ago and it only frustrated her..even before our official dementia diagnosis. It makes me sad and mad. You have a right to be absolutely furious
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