
For so many people, Thanksgiving and especially the holidays in December are filled with family traditions and connecting in-person with family and friends to celebrate. My best friend, who's wife is in memory care and is now Covid positive and was moved from her memory care facility to a special rehab facility, is having a hard time and both their children and families are out-of-state so he is already experiencing sadness and grief. How can I be supportive?

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Holidays with their expectations have never been favorite things of mine. So I won't miss it overmuch. Will communicate as we must now, by phone, dropping baked goodies by one another for those of us in same city, giving best wishes, making our own Turkey. There are so very many ways in which the Pandemic is affecting us. For me this one is almost a relief, compared to all else. Tough times in so many ways. But not a whole lot of choice.
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agingmother4343 Nov 2020
I totally agree! Holidays come much too fast each year! Way too much work and useless waste of spending too much money.
I am relieved that we don’t have to do it this year. Maybe we can all learn from this and keep our lives simple after pandemic is over.
Thanksgiving and Christmas are my families favorite holidays, and we will continue getting together, despite Covid, as there are only 10 of us total here, and it will be my first holidays without my husband, so I want to, for my children's sake keep things as normal as possible.

Now as far as your best friend is concerned, if he lives near you, just include him in your families celebrations, since he's having such a hard time, and his family isn't near. I'm sure that would make him very happy. Remember, we don't have to stop living our lives just because of Covid, we just have to take a few more precautions.
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To tell you the truth the holidays aren’t really on my mind this year. It’s not the same this year. Will do our best to make the best of things.

Halloween was so quiet and I hated it. Our neighborhood normally has kids trick or treating.

I loved buying the candy and seeing their adorable costumes. It’s just so different this year.
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