
Both my parents live in their own home, but their health is declining. My Dad, who I believe may have Dementia, refuses to allow me or my siblings to help him. He is making terrible decisions which put my mom's health at risk. What can we do?

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They have to give POA to you voluntarily.

To become their guardian you would have to petition the court.

What is the nature of the risk to your mother's health? Is your mother of sound mind? What does she want to have happen?
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Psychologically, my mother appears to be better, however, she is not the one who usually makes decision, thus is unable to make decision. How do I begin the process to become their guardian?
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There are several good articles about guardianship on this site. You might start with this one:

Several of our regular posters have gone through the guardianship process. You'll probably hear from some of them.
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Sit down with your siblings and decide which one of you will be the Guardian. Then you hire an attorney. It will go faster and smoother if you ALL sit down with that attorney and ALL sign on to the court petition.
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Thank you very much.
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