
I'm not sure what to do. I'm working on mom's estate. Trying to live my life and work on my anxiety.

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Have you ever read anything about Mindfulness Meditation? It has really helped me get through some stressful times.

Are you seeing a therapist? Is the doctor who is managing your anxiety meds aware of the fact that you have breakthrough anxiety and that you've just lost your mom?

Keep checking in Barbara; I admire your stick-to-it-tiveness!
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Back to the basics. A healthy diet. Don't skip meals. Get a Good nights sleep. Exercise every day. Walk like you are late for at least 30 minutes everyday.( this can be brojken up I to 10 min segments). You can only do one thing at a time. Make a list and figure out the most important task. Stick with it until it's done or at least for an hour at a time. Set aside a section if the day where you only work on the estate. When you get overwhelmed just wait for it to pass. It will. Oh and take a good multi vitamin. Know that you are doing the best that you can.
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I have found just sitting outside helps a lot. Listen to the birds, watch the flowers grow.
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I am currently taking care of my mother, her finances, etc after my stepdad passed recently. I have let a lot of "my life" go for now. It's basically on hold...I'm taking care of the bare bones, and I take breaks now.....not every minute of the day has to be productive...I used to think so, and make these ridiculous "to do" lists that I felt compelled to finish in one day. Now I cut myself some slack, it's ok if the list takes several days to finish.
I also try walking daily, and try eating healthy....and I asked for some medicine for my anxiety, recognizing that I needed chemical help to see this through.
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