
I just recently found out my girlfriend of 6 years has been living a double life the whole time. (Since 2005)

she used me and my address to obtain state residency to acquire instate tuition for her son that attended OSU.

Suspicious activity prompted me to conduct my own investigation.

It turns out that she’s been involved & living with another man who is very much older than her, she is 45 years old and he is 66 years old.

She has a housekeeping business in Northern Ky (greater Cincinnati area) and utilizes this business to target older wealthy men.

When I confronted this man she is living with , he was manipulated by her with the understanding that my relationship with her was purely a friendship & that I offered her & her son a place to stay and that she paid rent.

False, we had what I believed a monogamous relationship fully involved with both sides of family and vacations etc.

How did she pull this off?

Because I reside in Columbus, Ohio and her business was based in Greater Cincinnati area, She would make excuses that she has to tend her business 2-3 days a week . During that time she said she had good clients that would let her bunk out when she needed to.

Then, in 2018 she told me that she had a brain tumor that come out of remission and that she needed to go back on experimental treatment at Cincinnati University hospital. With that , to pay for expenses she told me she acquired a 2nd job in the catering business that would require her to travel. ( I’m so naive) These catering trips I’m led to believe were actually vacationing trips with her older wealthy boyfriend.

Since my learning of this behavior, I alerted my family. I have family come forward and admitted seeing suspicious activity with her over the years, in the way she conducts business and how she targets people to gain their business. This is purely intentional. Social media is her best friend to expose her to what she needs to identify her potential clients.

I had proposed to her in 2018 & she accepted but I learned within a week after , she was already on a “catering” trip to Sedona Az.

I am wondering if there is any legal way to exploit this kind of behavior without getting into legal slander trouble?

my guess is if she has manipulated me and him , how many others is she manipulating?

The guy I talked to is either naive or doesn’t care what I had to say. He seemed pretty passive about the situation. To my understanding he believes her over me even though I provided text messages & pictures proving my story of her.

I just want to alert and let people aware of her but do not know how. Any suggestions??

Thanks !

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See an attorney if she's defrauded you for anything. Lock up your credit with a credit freeze (DON'T lose the passwords the credit agencies give you to unlock it.) Send all the credit agencies a letter e explaining that you are not authorizing any credit for anyone except yourself. (Ask the attorney for the best way to word that one.)

Forget about trying to save the world from her, because it isn't going to happen. I agree that other man is probably in on her scam. Just move on with your own life. Get some therapy if you can't get past your anger or decide all women are like her. Don't waste more brain cells on this loser.
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I’m going to suggest you speak with a divorce atty, and one that is know for being a real pit bull of a divorce atty. The criminal defense guys, well unless you yourself are facing imminent arrest or have been arrested and need to get a bail deal done, you don’t IMO need criminal.

The good divorce guys will know what to do. The issue IMO will be that she has presented herself as your spouse in some way. And that’s p why you need divorce guy. Like that instate tuition…. to get this lil missive done needs more than the student just putting in a local address. There would have been other paperwork needed…. Like kid got his DL changed to your address, or an affidavit done or some other sort of self certified done. You could be listed as his stepfather. Go on the OSU website, there will be info as to how to become instate. It’s not easy peasy. Also tuition can dovetail into FAFSA filing as lots of schools do offsets (to tuition or books or dorm fees) based on the FAFSA. Fafsa in theory is supposed to have all these safeguards on info….. but that’s a joke. If you can get your hands on old tax returns you can do FAFSA filing as the supposed parent or stepparent or new parent. I’d be real concerned that she is putting you out there as common law and a fafsa a has been done using your tax info for kid to get benefits.

The atty will have a playbook on what they do with all clients to safeguard their assets in contentious divorces. The LifeLock stuff is good but really she could have done all sorts of tie ins to your credit and your finances to her benefit that Life Lock will not uncover. Life lock just deal with the future. It’s the past that matters big time. You know if she can show that technically you two are common law, it’s gonna get ugly. It’s pit bull divorce guy work.

oh the guy that you talked that obstensibly is her boyfriend & that doesn’t seem to care that she’s doing all this…. Well I’ll put a case of Processo on that he’s in on it. It’s all part of the scam and she’s not the only filly he’s had in his stable his past 66 years. Are they ethnic, like Traveling Irish or Balkan? He doesn’t care as he’s the Daddy, your just another mark.
Do let us know what happens…. It’s not elder care issue but personally it’s a nice change of drama.
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Beckyusedme1976 Aug 2021
we were never married. I fronted the loan for the first year of tuition which was paid back within a year . The rest of his years of tuition was based on where the custody parent resides in which she quickly became a resident of Ohio after the first of the next year. I keep up with my credit scores and such and thus far everything is fine .
no doubt that she or they could be on this and scamming but this guy she is with is already a wealthy engineer for a big company in Northern Ky .
I have spoke to a therapist since I posted this and it was relayed to me that she seems to be a sociopath narcissist. So now I’m reading up and there are the signs ..
I do appreciate the feed back. But what worries me is how she uses social media and scopes out wealthy people and learns all their interest and connections & finds a way to bump into them. Then she engages conversation and slips them a business card and usually that gets her in. I’ve seen her in action and couldn’t make light of it til now. it’s been there the whole time in front of my face .
I will assume you have never lived with this woman. Is it a long distant relationship?

First thing I would do is call the College the son attends and tell them that neither the son or the mother have never lived with you. That she used ur address to set up residency. The college should then take that info and charge her back tuiton and go forward on charging her out of state tuition. Then do what Geaton suggests, consult a lawyer and secure your finances.
Helpful Answer (2)
Beckyusedme1976 Aug 2021
We met up in 2015. Started dating immediately. Her son graduated High School May 2016.
But while we were dating, she set up some business in Columbus area as well. Reciprocating back and forth from Northern Ky.
January of 2016 is when she established Ohio residency. But actually moved to Columbus after her sons High School graduation.
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m naive and captivated by her charm. She’s an independent woman that owns a housekeeping business and always had reasons to leave 2-3 days per week to take care of business in Greater Cincinnati Area.
In 2018 , she said she developed health issues and needed to start seeing her Drs in Cincinnati. Upon that , she claimed she had to take on an extra job to cover medical expenses ( catering) that would require her to travel.
So as I have learned, this has been a hoax to me . As she’s been living with this guy since 2018 and traveling.
Weird part is, her son is a Graduate from OSU and still lives with me still looking for a job.
I have nothing to do with her now.
My point being, after my closure with this guy she is with, I was awakened. It made sense of her actions and the interaction she had with people every where we went.
I posted this before my counseling session and now I have realized that she is a sociopath narcissist. These people have no empathy.
My 6 years of what I thought was a monogamous loving relationship was a hoax as well.
I will move on, but I thought maybe there could be a way to expose her actions to let people aware or her game and how she utilizes her business and social media to scope out her victims.
I guess they will have to learn the hard way like I have.
Thanks for the reply ..
If I were you I'd go TODAY to a criminal law attorney for a consult. This lawyer will assess your situation and tell you what evidence is needed to protect yourself and prosecute her. I'd also put a LifeLock style fraud protection on your accounts and make sure none of your sensitive info is left anywhere she can access it (and I mean put it in a locking fireproof safe) and change ALL your passwords (phone, laptop, etc). I'm hoping you're not still living with her? My family was victim of a caregiver who took a vulnerable elder for literally everything he had, then left the state. Act immediately for your own good and the good of others. The only way to stop this woman is to get a felony conviction and have her spend time in jail. It's going to cost you money to hire an attorney. Something to ponder.
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