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There isn’t a simple answer to this question if the person entering the nursing home is on Medicaid. If person is married then their spouse is the community spouse and is allowed to keep a portion of the couples income & assets-and that amount varies by state. So you really shouldn’t transfer money and try to hide assets without consulting an attorney first.
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I second worried. See an attorney practicing in your State. This isn't something that you can afford to take advice on other than PROFESSIONAL advice.
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Yes, get an attorney.

Can you not have your income deposited into the joint account any longer? Open another account for you if you need to separate your own funds.

Thinking there are no large sums in CD's or savings if both are on Medicaid with low income.....

Medicaid WILL find out.
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Your a CS aka a Community Spouse, right? So it’s just your wife who is going into a facility and she’s applying for LTC Medicaid, right?

Couples Medicaid stuff is way way different and more complicated that that for an individual applicant. it’s imo not ever a DIY but needs elder law atty, and one that’s CELA level of experience.

Individual LTC Medicaid is straight forward: monthly income under your state’s maximum, 2k in nonexempt assets and they do a copay of all mo income to the NH less your states PNA / personal needs allowance. Have this and be medically “at need” for LTC, with no gifting issues in the lookback, their basically good for eligibility.

BUT for couples, you as the CS have assets & income that have to be segregated AND also you have the issues around the fact that your income is not tied into her income for her eligibility; AND you may need some of her income to maintain your CS level of living SO IF that’s the case, her copay requirement of basically all her income to the facility might can be partially or completely paid to you as your own CSRA community spouse resource allowance, but this stuff has to be documented & correctly filed for. ALSO You might can have joint assets shift to become income to you, so she meets her nonexempt asset allowable sooner. Plus looking to change beneficiaries if that makes sense to do.
But all this stuff is not simple and has to be mindful of Medicaid regulations. A good CELA atty really will be of value to you and for her. As a CS, you might outlive her for years if not decades. It can be really hard to spend time looking into allthis as your focus is her care & her needs. It’s overwhelming. Its why an atty can be so helpful in all this.
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