
My mother has Alzheimer's and we need a few days a week for a break and we would like to know what this runs.

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I wish I could help you on this. Tried to get my own mother with AD to attend adult daycare. Well, she threatened to kill everyone with a knife. Fortunately the only knife she could find was one of those plastic ones.

Go take a tour of the local places... take mom for a visit, they'll give you the tour. If you like the place and your mother agrees to go, ask the price. They hardly tell prices over the phone...
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I sent mom to one that started at 7:30AM and ended at 5PM, if I remember correctly.with a hot lunch and a snacking the afternoon, it ran $60 a day.
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oh Jeanette....remembering your cutie pie Mom now....she was something else... :) Hang on to those memories...yes, even those...because those were part of what make them so fascinating. I know before Mama became bedfast and actually way before I ever thought of moving back, I mentioned to her about some of the senior center programs that she might enjoy. She told me she didn't have one thing in common with those "old people"....Mama was always quite content being home alone...I gues that's where I get it from..but I think those programs are great for seniors who will participate.

MaggieM love your avatar...that's quite a good price...I would have loved if Mama had done some of that...I always worry so that I let her down..and then by the time I oved back, she was beyond the point of physically being able to go...
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Thinking out loud here, but does Medicare have any senior programs in your area? I know in the town I used to live in there were some, one in particular, that I seem to recall was funded by Medicare and run by volunteers and it had an excellent reputation...I can't be sure but I don't think there was a cost...but then again, I didn't check so I could be wrong. If there is a center for aging in your area they should be able to steer you in a positive direction.
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Thank you, hope. That's a photo ofJosh. He passed a little over a year ago. As with all my dogs,he was the best one ever. ;)

Thought I'd pass along that I too feel bad that I didn't arrange it sooner. Here's what I know -- no matter how selfless we are, when we lose our moms, we will find SOMETHING to look back on that will break our hearts. But that's okay. They know that we loved them to bits...
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He's beautiful MaggieM! They are part of our family aren't they? When they go it is so heartbreaking....

Thank you for saying that...I am blessed to still have Mama with me, but lately it feels like she is slipping a little...she rarely is able to talk with me now, mostly has such a sad and longing look in her eyes...and tonight I was doing a little cleaning in the house and got to thinking about ...and praying I being selfish in some way and making her feel like she should stay for me...I am not trying to do that by any means. We already said all we ever needed to say a long time ago...I don't dwell on goodbyes now, just enjoying the moments we have now, but sometimes I am afraid she is trying extra hard to stay because she is afraid it will break my heart to lose her...and it will...i already know that...but I am praying so hard for the strength to handle it with grace because that is what she did when she lost her Mom and Dad, her brothers and sisters who have passed...she has always been a I do owe her that....I guess that's the price we pay for loving them so much...
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I think the cost probably depends on the facility. Before I enrolled Mom in the local senior centers Adult Day Center (it's only open 4 hours a day and the folks get activities and dinner plus a snack. The charge is $50.00/day) I checked into day care programs at our two local memory care facilities. They were open longer each day and they also charged $12.50/hour. For us the 4 hours was great as Mom is tired after that. She goes one day a week and looks forward to it. One thing I would say is to be sure and check the staff to pt ratio before enrolling. Also the regulations Memory Care centers have to follow may be very different than those at a local senior center. The center Mom goes to is required to have a staff ratio of one staff to six clients. They also have volunteers and an activity person there. The clients are very well tended and usually there is just a small group 6-10 so they get a lot of personal attention.
Wish I would have enrolled her sooner. It's been very good for her to get out and socialize and it has really allowed me to have some time to get necessary things done and some R&R.
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