
Since 2015, I've given written permission, under POA, to do baseline test and it has not happened. Nurse says, oh yes, we will do so next time he comes in. When he comes in Dr. P says "John? He's fine, there's nothing wrong with him!" and doesn't do test. A year later I try again, now they get cagey and refuse to reply. This is a legal issue which is causing problems. A similar thing happened with a lawyer: he did a quick 2 minute cog. test and declared my Dad fine and shut me out of discussions, allowed my Dad to get in legal and financial distress, cause my Dad was afraid to fight a situation and just wanted it to go away. Of course, Dad is great at verbally fooling others and hiding his short term memory issues.

This has happened in WA state and I feel the Dr now has incentive to say, John is fine, so he doesn't have to take responsibility and liability for errors. He's 96 and no baseline cognitive tests have been done after going to same Dr for more than 18 years!

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Take him to a different doctor.
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Can you find a doctor that specializes in elder care? I hope you have POA. Since the lawyer feels he is mentally competent he should be able to provide this for you which will at least be in your favor.
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Take him to a neurologist.
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I can take to another Dr, but have to explain why & Dad doesn't want to change Drs. I'm considering lodging a complaint with the social worker/admin; this is not a situation any patient should be burdened with; let them be concerned about their liability. I consider this tantamount to malpractice. Dad doesn't want to admit anything is wrong. Yes I have POA and will likely have to assert or enforce more behavior based on his safety vs. his 'wants'. The minute you question the professionals, they circle the wagons to protect themselves. No caregiver should be put in this situation.
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