
I have no burial insurance and want to be cremated when the time comes and help would be appreciated.

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When my dad died, he was several states away and knew no one there, so we had him donated to a medical school, after which they cremated him at no charge to us. The only charge was a state law required (IL) ride from the morgue to the University - $350. If they hadn't gotten hold of me, the state probably would have cremated him, but hopefully the donation of his body was a blessing to the school and/or someone. A year or so later his cousin told me that's what he told them he wanted....
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evalyn Mar 2020
How did you know what university to contact for this
evalyn, I was put in touch with an investigator from the police dept, since they were the ones to contact me to begin with. That's who suggested the University, and said he could arrange it. He also got us dad's security deposit that the landlord was going to keep - which paid for the ride from the morgue!
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evalyn Mar 2020
Thank you very much for your help.
If ur on Medicaid I think they will pay the minimal amount.
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worriedinCali Mar 2020
No they won’t.
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Most states cremate people that have no family to pay for it.
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Alicew234 Mar 2020
I don't think that is correct.
Medicaid doesn’t pay for cremations. In any state. Start saving your money. Seriously. Contact the funeral home and find out what a cremation costs so you know how much to save. It’s really not that expensive. Some counties in some states do have minimal financial assistance for this but varies by COUNTY. Not state but COUNTY. Most states won’t pay for cremation unless your body is abandoned at the morgue. If you have family and they can’t or won’t pay, most states won’t step in and pay for it. They’ll let you sit for awhile and then give you a paupers burial
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evalyn Mar 2020
Thank you for your help.
I would nor call a funeral home for the pricing, they are nothing but a middleman that charges extra for the crematorium charges.

Check with your state, most now provide cremation for individuals that don't have anyone to deal with their dead body. It is far cheaper than a burial.

Please know that your body will be dealt with. It is a health hazard to not deal with it.

You can contact a local medical college and ask about cadaver donation.

If you have family Social Security pays a small death benefit to help offset the expense of dealing with a dead body. Not much but it will help.
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JoAnn29 Mar 2020
The death benefit is only $250 or so and goes to the spouse, I think. Mom got it for Dad, but I wasn't able to get it for Moms funeral.
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In my state

New Jersey will pay up to $2,246 in funeral costs and $524 in burial costs or crematory expenses for a deceased welfare recipient who is two year of age or older.
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Check pricing with The Neptune Siciety They are supposed to be one of the most reasonable.
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