
I notice small changes. Most of the time she is right on the money with,things.
3 separate times she's gone to bathroom and come back out and said "Hi", as If it,may of been a new day. Now this morning I heard the doors squeak. I got up and there she was. I asked her what she's doing. She said, "making sure doors were locked".

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There is going to be a progression of her illness, that is a given. My father knew my Mom was losing her memory before we did back in 2006. Since then she gradually has become worse. The rate at which it happens may be slow or it may be a bit faster, each individual is different. You cannot sit around and wait for a sign that alerts you to the fact that she has now reached a new "stage." that just doesn't happen.

My mother seems just like she does every other day and then all the sudden I may notice something new, maybe she does not remember where the bowls go, or she doesn't remember how many eye drops she uses, or she starts asking you many times a day do I have to take these pills? Things will just begin happening little by little. Believe me this is better and easier to deal with when the changes come gradually.

What is very hard is when an abrupt change happens, she becomes violently angry for no real reason, mistrusts you, stops sleeping at night and keeps you awake, hallucinates, decides the dog needs to be fed at 3 am in your bedroom, stops bathing, begins asking for her dead husband.

Changes will happen we all know this is what happens with dementia and Alzheimer's you just have to take one day at a time and realize there is no specific time schedule of events. Specific things like being hospitalized will make their symptoms much worse in a short period of time. Once they return home it will take a while but they will go back to just about where they were before, although they may remain just a bit worse than before hospitalization.

I wake up everyday not knowing if anything will be different today or if it will be just another day. Don't worry about it, you just have to continue to live your life to the fullest!
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Repeating what Raven said, an illness or other stress can cause things to get a LOT worse, but when she gets past it, she will be back at or near the baseline. So it's good to keep an eye out for a UTI, pneumonia, worsening heart failure. If you get that treated, she will probably recover mentally too.
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It does progress it's the disease. Try yo educate yourself about the disease. When new issues come up remember to be on the look out for them, they will probably continue.

Try to be supportive. I find it helpful to just go along with the situation, as along as it's not a danger to her..

If she lives alone then you should evaluate the situation to make sure she is safe at all times..

Just be understanding that she isn't doing it on purpose and she certainly doesn't want to be forgetful.. Hugs to you it's a struggle for both of you...
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It definitely is a progressive disease. Each day I see changes. Taking a nap really throws a curve ball at mom. She always wonders why she slept so late, then doesn't know where she is and she has been in this house for 50 years. Such a bizarre disease.
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