
I typed a long question and lost the whole thing. The site is jumping all over tonight. I managed to get it back a few times, but lost it now for good.

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I can see this question on the board. It worked for THIS post. Why don't you try posting your question again?
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Happens to me all the time here. I make a copy of what I type before hitting post. Most of the time at least. Sometimes I forget and then curse when everything I type disappears.
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Nice to know it isn't just me! I write responses all the time that suddenly disappear, I too have taken to copying something I'm working on to an email but don't always remember and boy is it frustrating to write it all out and then have it disappear before it posts!
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That happened to me twice. It is very aggravating.
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The more I wrote in the original question, the more the page would jump. Finally, it jumped to a previous site I had been on and I couldn’t get back to this site where I had left off on my question. It just did it again, but I was able to bring it back. Maybe it’s just me! Lol
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