Today I discovered an employee at the nursing home had posted a Google review with verbiage I know came from my Mom? Mom says she gave another employee the words? Mom doesn't appear to understand that information was to be posted publicly. I find this situation to be disingenuous, am I being overactive? Just feel that I should be the advocate for my Mom, not an employee from the nursing home.
It is not okay.
1. Confront the person in writing, or in person. Make sure they understand and delete the concerning review. Mention they could lose their job.
2. Contact the NH Ombudsman for instructions.
If you allow this to get a pass, next they may be posting photos of your loved ones publicly.
If you want to experience over-reacting, it would look like this:
You write your own review replying to the post they put up in error.
You say, whatever you want, and state they did not have permission to use your mother's words. A breach of confidentiality. Use the employees name and photo.
You are not over-reacting, imo.
I advocate for privacy of our loved ones.
Unless you feel that the NH has misrepresented your mother's views in some way, for example by being highly selective or rephrasing her words so as to give a skewed impression, then no I don't see a problem. They haven't named or otherwise identified her, I take it? - no breach of confidentiality there, then. They asked her opinion, she gave it, as long as they are stating accurately what she said (and if you recognised her style instantly it sounds as if they quoted her verbatim) then why shouldn't they repeat her remarks?
I'm not sure what you mean by disingenuous.
And they are certainly correct to ask your mother for her own opinions and encourage her to express herself. What harm do you feel this might result in?
In the interim, if you feel there are better facilities, then I think a better use of time is looking into that.
I bet her contract addresses this very issue.
If she did not use your mom's name for the review, you can't prove these are mom's words and it would be a futile battle.
If she is treating your mom good and making her feel special, you should choose your battles carefully. You wouldn't want to get her fired or transferred from your moms care and end up with some nappy Bitty.
Remove any valuable items and post your own review.
If you're really concerned that they're cherry-picking results from routine satisfaction surveys, feel free to ask how they obtain feedback from residents and what they do with the information. A good facility should be happy to explain.
We have a Quality Control lady who rings round our clients and interrogates them about what we workers are up to. One client actually complained to us about it and said she didn't like being used as an informant! I've no idea what the QC lady does with the feedback, but I'm sure our Manager would love to include some of it in marketing material or inspection reports.
For what it's worth, most businesses have employees put up fake review scores to boost their numbers. Don't believe anything from anonymous review sites.