
I am her POA and live over 500 miles away from her assisted facility. Her expenses are for room and board, medical, transport, personal hygiene, phone, cable amounting to approximately $4000 a month. I have been using my credit card to pay these bills. This practice began when the AL facility couldn’t get an auto payment from Mom's checking account set up and her bill was past due. So I paid it with my credit card and was reimbursed by writing a check to myself from her checking account. I have continued using my credit card to pay most of her expenses. I add all of the credit card line items for her expenses and then write one check reimbursing myself. I take a photo of the check and list the expenses that are covered by the reimbursement. This check is to the penny and not rounded up or down. Now I am concerned that Mom will run out of money to pay for assisted living and the rest of her expenses and need Medicaid assistance. Will the way that I am paying her bills and being reimbursed cause an eligibility penalty?

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First, The money coming out is on a monthly basis so may not be questioned. If it is, then you have proof that your writing checks to reimburse yourself.
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Thank you for responding. In going forward, I will pay by check from her account.
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You should have been paying her bills out of her account. Yes this can cause issues for Medicaid but as long as you kept detailed records and receipts, it can be sorted out with Medicaid.
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