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Could u stop the posting to this question? I think the OP would appreciate it.
Helpful Answer (2)

Just a suggestion. If u don't want this thread to continue, stop posting to it. Everytime u post it goes back to the top. It had pretty much went on its merry way.
Helpful Answer (4)
PeggySue2020 Nov 2022
Yes it is a bad idea Melba, because mil told you so plus several others. To be consistent, admin really should step in and tell you to shut up.

You are no longer interested in her, fine. Take your own advice and leave.
LilMelba, most posters do not simply vanish once the elder dies. It takes time for people to work through wills, sibling rivalries and marriage resentments that stemmed in her case from years, possibly decades, of caregiver hell.

Milhell is not atypical in asking for help with said subjects.
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Did 4 go back to California on time?
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MILHell - Did your husband leave after you told him to? I recommend you talk with a divorce attorney whether you just want to separate or consider divorce.
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Sorry about this milhell.

Your dh should not be supporting 4 in any way. These Star Wars collectibles you mentioned can be worth over a thousand bucks each. If acquired during the marriage, half of that is yours.
Helpful Answer (1)

MILhell, I am hoping a level of closure can happen soon for you over MIL - not sure if the funeral has happened yet..?

Obviously memories & hurts will linger, but some weight will lift.

I image it will take some time for your husband to sort through his own stuff, his heavy Mother-Son baggage.

Maybe you will have to paddle along your stream of life without him for a while...
See what's up ahead.
Maybe he will or maybe he won't catch you up when he is feeling 'lighter'.
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To lilmelba,

I would offer you an apology if you were owed one. You are not.

You are mad because you have continually gone after milhell at probably the worst time of her life. You get called out to stop harassing her and you roll over to victim.

If you really understood her situation and cared, you WOULD NOT have told her to stop posting.

Obviously you have never been in a caregiver situation or you would be compassionate about the fallout from the pressure releasing, instead you tell her to go away. Wth?
Helpful Answer (6)
MargaretMcKen Nov 2022
LilMelba, dry your eyes. We don't need to know how you feel.
You might want to explain a bit more...
Helpful Answer (1)

MilHell, I am so sorry that your marriage is breaking down too. I guess that you are wondering why you stayed in the relationship, for the sake of your husband and his mother, now that it is all going wrong anyway.

Perhaps it might be worthwhile to let the waves die down, to see whether it might be safe to swim together again. It’s been such a traumatic time, you must both be super-stressed. Yours, Margaret
Helpful Answer (8)

LilMelba, I read your long long private message to MilHell. It was all about yourself. For someone you don’t know who is in distressing circumstances, it really was an inappropriate and insensitive way to unburden yourself. And it says that it was written in the Boss’s time, which is not nice either.

How about you write about yourself properly? You are caring for your ‘father, living at home with arthritis and Parkinson’s disease’. What are your issues? How can other posters help you? Why not just back off this OP, and tell us about your own care issues?
Helpful Answer (3)
MargaretMcKen Nov 2022
Please do not message me. I don't need to read any more about your feelings, and it might be better for you to think less about them too.
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An argument can be made that the end of caregiving is one of the life changes that increases the likelihood of divorce. Couples that lose a shared purpose, whether or not it was a purpose that was fully embraced, have to reevaluate how they relate to each other without that purpose.

Definitely seek legal advice: although having a look at the Nolo Press book first may help you to organize your thoughts. Putting some distance between you when one or both of you is resorting to name calling is good for the short term but eventually you’ll need to address fair division of assets and so on, so you’ll want to know what your rights are and what someone with experience recommends.

You will have to be the judge of whether you are really ready to end the marriage this time. You have some work to do on why now. What would you like your life to look like in six months or whatever timeframe you choose.

Try to be kind to yourself, and if possible, to him, even if only by limiting his ability to behave at his worst. If the relationship needs to end, try to end it as gracefully as possible.
Helpful Answer (6)

You should read the 4 page private message from melba bashing isthisreally real. It is sick
Helpful Answer (2)

LilMelba you told us in another of your posts about yourself, that you have a job as a temp typist in a lawyer’s office. Then I think it was for 3 months, in which you have learned a lot about the law and how other people should organise their lives.

I hope that you don’t write all these posts in your boss’s time, because that wouldn’t be nice. If you write them at home in your own time, it might be good to get some other interests.
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Seriously? My issues have to do with problems due to assets and family issues. Why do you 2 get to determine things.

AC, I have been harassed by LilMelba. What will you do about it?
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I agree with LilMelba's comment below: You need to find a forum that deals with marital issues since this is no longer about a caregiver issue.

Unless you are as addicted to this familial drama as you may be to a toxic marriage, seek counsel from a divorce attorney and also seek the therapy support needed to disentangle yourself from this toxic marriage and all that it has entailed.

I haven't read you other posts, not that I can recall, and am glad of it. I personally have very little room in my life for other peoples' fabricated dramas, while some seem to thrive on it.

Seek the legal and marital/divorce support you need - elsewhere - and move on with your life.

Some things in life look best when seen in the rearview mirror, this entire ordeal appears to be one among them...
Helpful Answer (9)
MargaretMcKen Nov 2022
Luta, many many people on this site have what I would consider to be dramas, and not many are fabricated. They usually want a bit of sympathy, and some advice about how to get out of their problems. If you have no room for them, perhaps this site is not for you either.
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My husband is a jerk, since I can not say the A word. How smart are elder attorney's?
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I think, remembering your posts, it is about time for permanent separation.
No woman should take that crap!
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Unfortunately it looks like your problems did not end with MIL dying. It looks like this entire family including husband is going to continue their toxic crap. Now you have to decide if you want to be a party to it for the rest of your life.
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Husband called me the c word several times today. Told me I was gaslighting him causing a toxic relationship over 4. That why I told him to leave.
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My husband is a Star Wars fanatic. I had miscarried years ago. So as dumb as this sounds. The unopened 1970s star wars things are valuable as is the Disney things from my miscarriage. This is not money. This is sentimental and the fact 4 stole it. I can not do it anymore.
Helpful Answer (2)
PeggySue2020 Nov 2022
Didn’t 4 leave today for California?
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See a lawyer for a legal separation. This is not a divorce, but rather it freezes all assets earned during the marriage. He will be responsible for paying whatever his present proportion is for the house and it’s upkeep.
Helpful Answer (5)

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