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First, freeze her report. She does not need credit anymore. If the amounts are not large, I may not worry about them.

The errors need to be ironed out by the entity that claims Mom owes them money. Credit Card balance, you need to prove it was paid in full. Doctor bill, again need to prove it was paid in full or the problem resolved. Same with utilities. You need to call those claiming the debt why it was never removed when paid or resolved. If not paid and legit debts, they need to be paid. An acct will cost you when maybe you can research yourself. The Credit bureau themselves cannot help you. Unless you claim that someone is using Moms credit. Then thats fraud and may have to deal withthe entities claiming the debt.

The only time your credit standing is important is when you are applying for a credit card, buying a car or a home. Mom should not be doing any of those things.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to JoAnn29

I don't know how you will prove errors on a case of someone with dementia, but step one is to get that card frozen and freeze credit with all agencies, Experian, Transunion and Equifax. Whoever is POA for this person with dementia needs to get cards cancelled. In the absence of getting it cancelled, if the person is dependent only on SS or SSDI do know that no agency can collect debt in that case.

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Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Don't bother, she won't need good credit anymore. My MIL and SFIL owed thousands to cc companies, and their house went into foreclosure. They both had cognitive and physical problems. He became a ward of the county and she went into AL on a waiver and then LTC full Medicaid. They both got the care they needed without needing good credit.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

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