
How can I find her??? I'm crying everyday & I only want to hear her voice & know she's safe & happy. Please any help & direction would help. She was living in Hanover. I know nothing about where she's at. 😢

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Hmmm. You may (or may not) be surprised, elsway, to know that in my five years here on the Forum we get this exact question at least once every six months. The odd thing is that when we comment and ask for more details we seldom get them. So I am going to "go pre-emptive" this time and tell you:
We need much more information from you before I would attempt any answer:
1. Does your mother/did your mother live alone of with other family?
2. Did your mother live in your own home town?
3. Under what circumstances, and WHEN did you find your mother to be missing?
4. What authorities (APS, Police, Sheriff, Nursing Home, Caregivers, Other family) did you report your mother's disappearance to?
5. When did your mother disappear, and prior to her disappearance when had you seen her last?
6. What is your mother's mental status? Does she have mental illness or dementia?
7. How old is your mom and what is her general physical condition
8. Have you filed a missing person's report?

Best to you.
Looking forward to more information from you so we may give you suggestions how to proceed.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to AlvaDeer

I would say start calling the facilities in Moms and Sisters areas. Probably close to sister. Just say "Could I have the room number of Mrs Jones? I want to send her a card." They will either give you the room number or tell you she is not there. If your told not there, then u apologize saying that this was the NH you were given. Never ask if they have a resident by the name of Mrs. Jones. You probably will not get that info.

Ask the Post Office if a change of address was made. They may or may not give the new address to you. If Mom is in a NH, that now is her legal address. Check the internet. Address changes will show up.

If ur Sister holds POA it maybe hard getting to see Mombif Sis has banned you.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

My mother & I was living with my sister. Needless to say my sister & I no longer see eye to eye & won't talk or communicate. I'm not being told nothing out of spite.... Knowing it's killing me. My sister has always been jealous of my relationship with my mother. My sister never have the time or effort in having a relationship with my mother. She's shunned my mother. It's a very very messy situation & I'm getting nothing from no one.......
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Reply to elswaydizzle
AlvaDeer Oct 8, 2024
I am afraid without good information we cannot help. You tell us that you and your mother were both living with Sis but you didn't get along.
Where do you live now?
Did you move out?
Did you leave Mom with Sis?
Is mom still with sis and now you cannot visit?
Your posts really are without any information. You say your sister has shunned your mother but claim you don't know where your mother is.
I would suggest you contact APS in your own town.
I doubt very much we can help you, and I personally have no idea what happened here. You seem unable to SAY what happened.
I can only wish you the best of luck and hope things go well for you.
As Alva said we really can't say or help you.You could call all the facilities in your area.

I'll say this if my brother did this to me, out of spite, id just grieve my pain and walk away. I get that you miss mom and want to at least know where mom is, but it sounds to me like your sister, no matter if it's out of spite or whatever, she probably wants what's best for mom. So try to find peace in that.

The best way to get even with people, that try to hurt your peace in life is to be happy.

I'm sorry you are going through this.
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Reply to Anxietynacy

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