
The elder care industry is booming and thriving and I'm finding this disturbing, particularly when so many of our elders are ending up destitute because of the obscene cost of nursing homes. Very few couples are able to put aside enough to cover an extended nursing home stay. Just one year would wipe out a lot of peoples life savings. Extended care insurance is out of reach for most people I know and from what I read it's not that great anyway.

Rather than giving into resignation and resentment I have decided to think outside the box for my husband and myself. It's too late for my parents but maybe not us. I have heard of Senior cooperative housing and care models and would like to know more. I'm talking true cooperatives managed and run by the members. If anyone has any info on this i would love to hear it.

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I'm not trying to be sarcastic,but the challenges are endless. You saved all your LIFE for a rainy day. Why are you not willing to spend it on your little selves?
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I'm pretty sure that I've seen some information on these at one time, but don't recall specifics. And right now I can't think of the name of the complexes or that style of management. I too would be interested.

I'm aware of retirement communities with minimum age limits, but I'm not sure how the management issues are handled.

Didn't find anything in a quick search, but I did find something which I thought was really tactless and insulting. A representative of ProMatura Group, a market research firm in Oxford, Miss., commented that today people are not looking for a "geezer ghetto". Wow. I think that's pretty insulting.

I hope that firm calls me someday for one of their market research products and I'll have more than a few choice words to say to them.
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In Atul Gawande ' s book, Being Mortal, he talks about these sorts of cooperatives. I'll have to check on the name.
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In Canada, Co-Operative Housing Federation of Canada. 1(416) 366-1171
Older Women's Network Inc.
Other: Life Lease Properties
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Babalou, you're spot on with your recommendation! I did some quick research and found what I think is the kind of community TMB is referring to:

It's Beacon Hill Village in Mass.


There were 2 other communities referred to in the article I found, but Beacon Hill appears to be the only one with "members" who have a say in activities, etc.

Thanks, Babalou, for that good reference.
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Here in NYC, there is growing interest in Naturally occurring retirement communities (NORCs). These are buildings and neighborhoods with large numbers of elderly folks. City agencies are taking note and ramping up their efforts to bring services such as social work, medical care and senior transport to these areas.
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SendMe, I missed your post but just did a search for Senior Cooperative Housing:


TMB, get a cup of coffee or glass of lemonade - you can spend quite some time checking out all the hits for cooperative senior living. I think this is what you're referring to.
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Muir Commons, Davis Ca. (530) 758-5202
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There's also a Village to Village concept, where you stay in your home and pay an annual fee for services. Residents pay a membership fee that varies from $25 to $600 or more a year, depending on the types of services members want. Some villages have paid staff members; others are run completely by volunteers.
•Most villages are opening in more upscale neighborhoods in cities and suburbs, but they all provide discount dues for lower-income elderly.

Here's their website: vtvnetwork
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Wow! you guys are amazing. There is so much good info here. And Maggie...I'm perfectly happy to spend my savings on my own care. I just don't want it to disappear in a blink leaving me and/or my husband destitute.
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I'm still researching this and it sounds like it is possible to start a senior living cooperative with a group of people. There are a lot of people considering this avenue as a solution for the devastating cost of elder care both in the home and at a residential facility.
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