
I get to go nowhere I have to be home 24/7

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Of course not! But you already know that, right?

What's the story? Where are your parents and other family members? What would happen if you advised them that you will need to be changing your level of involvement in your grandpa's care?
Helpful Answer (3)

Who decided that you should be the caregiver? And why did you say yes?

Are you being paid?

What is your plan? This is not about "fair"; this is about what you do or don't agree to.

Have you saved money for an apartment? Transportation? Can you stay with a friend until you find a job?
Helpful Answer (1)

How did you get chosen for this? How old are you? How old is grandpa? Where are his children? Has your family looked into facilities for grandpa?

No, it isn’t fair and it isn’t your job to do.

How are you coping? How is grandpa? Does he mistreat you? Why don’t you have help?

Please let us know how we can help. Take care, hugs!
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