
Hi- I have been searching the forum for information on this topic. Mom is at home but bedbound. We are currently paying for a transport company to take her to dialysis three times a week in a stretcher. I have called Medicare and they said non emergency ambulance service to dialysis is only paid if it is medically necessary that she have ambulance personal accompany her. I guess not being able to walk doesn't qualify. Has anyone found a solution for this? Funds are dwindling quickly.

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Have you checked with your local department of transportation?

They may offer a discounted services for this, through their paratransit services.
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How old is Mom? Since she is bedbound, why is she continuing to get dialysis? What are her health problems?

I had two friends one born with diabetes the other contracted it later in life. Both lost part of a leg, both on dialysis and both (63 and 69) kidneys gave out and dialysis was needed. The 63 year old was on a dialysis that was her last chance. Her veins had collapsed. Dialysis is very hard on the body. For both of my friends they chose Hospice. Maybe that is a decision Mom needs to make.
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I would query Medicare about what constitutes "medically necessary". Often when claims are denied, you can continue to make your case in the form of a letter to them, including important documents like letters from her doctor stating her condition that requires a medical transport company (like she is incapable of getting into/out of a normal car, she doesn't have a wheelchair, she doesn't have a wheelchair modified van, she is too heavy for 1 person, etc.)
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Can you do home dialysis?
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Medicare says "unless medically necessary". So I would think that the doctor involved in her dialysis can contact Medicare and tell them transportation is necessary.

A question for the transportation company is if the can bill Medicare. My township has an ambulance service manned by volunteers. The EMTs are paid so that is where Medicare comes in. They EMTs bill them. The residents cannot be billed for the services.
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