
Although I have done much business with this woman for years, I could not for the life of me remember her name! This is more than just today, but for the past few weeks. I started calling her Mary, but kept feeling that wasn't quite right. Then saw that her email was stated MaryJane. I finally admitted to her today, I just couldn't seem to remember her name. She laughed and said it was Maryjane.
A few months ago, I couldn't seem to remember where the pool was that I normally visit in the condo development. I walked and walked looking for it and finally had to ask a resident.
I know it's pretty intense taking care of mom right now, but is this normal? I kinda slough it off with laughter, but should I be concerned? cadams

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At least you were half way there with the lady's name:) And you knew you were missing something, so that is a good sign too!

I think it's probably stress, preoccupation, and exhaustion. The past few years, I feel like I'll go through phases where I'll reach for a memory and there's just a blank white spot. It feels like the memory's just gone, but then if I backtrack or talk to someone who shares the memory, it brings it back up to the surface. If you are preoccupied with your mom's care, maybe it's disrupting the flow of information and memories that you normally don't have to work to recall?
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Stress absolutely can affect memory and other thought processes!
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its the stress,, half the time I don't know what street im driving down ,, our minds are spinning on other problems.
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Hi Cadmus. I'm 56, my mom with dementia 79. She's really losing it in some areas, but still dresses, bathes, and very minor tasks. Anyway , I got scared because of her diagnosis and because her 73 year old brother died of Alzheimer's last year. My daughter found a language app for me and I practice French every day. I took French in high school and college so it's not actually learning a new skill , but I hope it is helping my brain remain in shape. It also gives me something to do that does not involve care giving. She lives with me and I'm an only child. So it's definitely something positive for me to do every day. Hope thishelps
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cadams, it pretty much stress and information overload regarding Alzheimer's/Dementia. I found myself thinking I was losing my own brain cells because I was overthinking what I had read regarding the medical condition.

Both my boss and I are senior citizens, and there are times we just stare at each other trying to remember a name or place. Eventually the information will come to us. He would joke that between us there is still one good brain :)

I found taking a prescription medicine to calm my nerves has helped. Now if I can't recall a name or place, I really don't care :P The answer will show up eventually, like at midnight !!
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I did go through the same thing when taking care of my Mom. And after she passed away. It took over a year for my mind to settle down. My hubbys brother passed away in March. We were all under extreme stress. Me, hubby, and his sister were and still are a mess. We have notes stuck every where! I ask my family doctor about the poor memory episodes during times of stress when I go in twice a year for check ups. Dr says I am fine. If your issues have you too worried talk to your Dr about what is going on.
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