
my employer in the past has scheduled me basicly a straight 9 to 5 schedule, now they have me scheduled me all over the place from 5 am to 3 pm and then the next day 1 pm to 11 pm and then back to 5 am, I have a paid caretaker who just recently was hospitalized and a sister watch my dad when I am at work, how can I ever schedule people to help me with my dad with a schedule like that

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Sounds like the employer is trying to get you to quit. They do that with impossible schedules. Something to think about.
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An employer sets the schedule. If the schedule doesn't work for you, as with any employee of any job you can find another job/agency. Many people don't like their hours.
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"I have a paid caretaker"

Is this caretaker under direct contract with you as the employer ??
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Reid, are you saying that you work for a caregiving Agency and do not like the hours they are giving you? Agencies can schedule however they want as patient schedules also change... it's not an easy task.

My Dad has caregivers who come 7 am to 1pm on a regular basis.... but one time he was hospitalized and when he came back home he needed 24-hour care. The Agency was great in finding people, and every minute was covered... there were caregivers who came in for an hour until another caregiver arrived... it was like a relay race.

Is there any reason why your Dad can't have you as his caregiver through the Agency where you work?
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Check the papers you signed when you took the job. If you do not have those papers, go to human resources and ask them for the policy regarding work shifts or scheduling.
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