
What to do with a constant stream of liquid poop coming out of someone? It's about the consistency of chocolate milk. I don't think it's diarrhea due to an infection since at times there's a normal consistency poop. It's just that there's always a stream of liquid poop. Is there anything to be done to stop this? If not, how can I deal with it. Right now, it's causing an epic case of diaper rash. I'm already using skin barriers like crazy. Not helping much.

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If she never had a normal BM I'd be worried about a partial blockage🤔. Are you using a probiotic?
And a relative was told to add psyllium fiber for a similar problem - you need to be careful though because that can cause the opposite problem if she isn't getting enough fluids.
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needtowashhair Jul 2019
Partial intestinal blockage is the chronic problem. Thus she can't have fiber which is a good way to deal with this. It would jam her up. So no fiber is the mantra. I might have to back away from that because of this and give her some fiber.
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Off to the doctor at once with a sample. Has the person been on antibiotics, or is the person immune compromised. This could be C-Difficile, and treatment almost certainly needed. The doctor should also be the one to suggest a remedy. Skin breakdown can go to bedsore, which is honestly more than a sore and can be deadly. You need to go directly to finding the cause of this if it is ongoing.
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needtowashhair Jul 2019
I have a call into the doctor right now. I don't think it's an infection. I've had one of those myself and it was like peeing out my rear for 2 weeks. Nothing solid. Which is not the case for her. She does have a pretty normal poop, just liquid poop all the time in addition. Also, she doesn't have any of the other symptoms like cramps and fever. But it's better to be safe than sorry thus my call into the doctor.
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Definitely not normal. I'd seek medical advice right away. You didn't say if the person is mobile or bed bound. If they can get up, I'd have them just sit on a bedside commode chair all day, although might need a break from that hard seat periodically. Sounds gross, but they can watch TV and even eat while there if necessary. If they are bed bound, I don't know of anything short of a rectal tube, but that's also got complications. Best talk to MD soon. Good luck.....and I'm so sorry for this situation.
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I'm pretty sure there's no impaction. She had not one, but two decent normal firmness poops today. Not huge, but respectable. Her last was about 2 days ago.

I think it's matter of her diet being too much liquid right now and not enough solids. She couldn't really eat the food in the SNF so nutritional drinks were her main intake. Water in, water out. Even after coming home she's been reluctant to eat solid food. I finally got a decent size breakfast into her this morning. Those solids slowed down the progression through the small intestine. Otherwise a liquid diet will just slide right through. Slower progression means more absorption of fluid. She's still leaking a bit tonight but compared to what it's been these last few days, it's a trickle. Last night I had to diaper change every hour or two since it was like someone poured half a carton of chocolate milk in there. Tonight, it was only about a teaspoonful after 3 hours.

I'm going to keep pushing the solid food and see how it goes.

I also have the diaper rash under control. I applied an anti-fungal to the area. It was super bright red and a large solid patch last night. As of 30 minutes ago, the bright red areas are now islands instead of a continent.
Helpful Answer (1)
needtowashhair Jul 2019
Diaper rash well under control now. Fungal cream works wonders. Which makes sense since it's a fungus that causes the rash. Makes me wonder why the advice nurse on the phone told me not to do it.
Poster replied the woman has a blockage.

Is she on a new med?

Does she drink coffee or apple juice. If so cut them out.

Make sure she is being hydrated.
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