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Thank you. I just went to the first care plan meeting. It is very similar to yours. I didn't have many questions but told them about him, what he is used to ,that sort of thing. I will keep my own chart of each meeting, that's a good idea.
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JD - has the NH told you about the regular care plan meetings? For my mom, the first one was at 6 weeks and then it's every 90 days. At this NH, I get a letter that is is happening, at my mom's first NH it was a phone call like 2 days before. Anyways, you want to start a list of ? or concerns for the care plan meeting, like the how many days can he be away, etc. The care plan meeting will have his floor nurse & maybe also his daytime LVN, someone from dietary, from activities, from social services and you want to make the best of the time that you have their undivided attention. Understand? Also you want to review at the first or second meeting his chart (probably a big binder that hangs at the nurses station)
and go over what is in it and how it compares with your notebook on him. So that everything is the same. For my mom, they had the wrong funeral home location (right FH but wrong location) and page 2 of her AD (Advance Directive) was missing. We also went over the NH approach to care, like if she gets the flu or a C-Deff what is the NH protocol. At my mom;s NH if family wants them to stay as long as possible at the NH (rather than go to the ER or hospital for anything - which some family want done), what they do is move them if they are really sick to the first floor rehab section for a few days extra monitoring. Family can let the NH know what approach to care they would like. My mom is mid90's and did an AD over a decade ago with a no transfusions clause written in, so hospital trips are kinda against her wishes and this NH understands this and works with us to keep her care plan more in line with what she wanted. Good luck and keep a sense of humor in all this.
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Thank you! I did hear about the room change so it must be true, he lives in CT. and I think its 3 or 4 days that they hold his bed. I always double check with agingcare because it is so accurate and on target with the correct answers! This site has helped me a lot!
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In general, they will hold the room for a given number of days, but your state may vary from others. Three days has been the norm, but please ask the nursing home.

That doesn't mean he can't be re-admitted to the NH, but he may not have the same room. I know - that hurts. If there's any way that much of the nursing care your dad needs can be done in the skilled nursing facility (NH), then your dad may be better off in a number of ways. He's keep his room and he wouldn't be subjected to so much hospital trauma. Of course, there are situations where this can't be done, but if there's a choice, see if the nursing home nurses can handle the bulk of the care after the first couple of days of hospitalization. Good luck. I really do feel for you. Many of us have been through similar situations.
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