
And now my brother had my dad put as a life
Tenant andy bro moved my dad in a home as soon as he did it and he moved his friend in the house I heard if the friend is living there and dad does it would then be whoever was there as live in but back to the question it was originally in mine and moms

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I don't know how someone can be removed from a deed without their knowledge... this is a question for a real estate attorney for your home state. This is a global, anonymous forum of private citizens who are not lawyers. Please work with an actual professional.
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olddude Mar 18, 2024
They can't. The whole letter makes no sense.

Seriously people - without proper sentence structure it is pretty much impossible to know what you are trying to say.
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If your name is on the deed to a property you are an owner of that property.
No one can just 'take your name off'. You can sell your share or the other owners can buy you out.

Once again, if your name is on a deed you are a legal owner and no one can change that.

So you need to talk to a real estate attorney and explain your situation to them.
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You need an attorney. I don't understand the facts in your case, and so cannot advise you other than that this is legally complicated attorney work. You would see a Trust and Estate attorney with all your records and the history of this whole thing with dates, wills, etc. Anything you can find to prove that you have been effectively disinherited.
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Was it left to you inva Will? If so, no one can change that unless the Will stipulated only till you were 18. Was there any formal legal paperwork?

Does your brother hold POA for Mom or Executor? Were Dad and Mom divorced?

I am sorry, but you need a lawyervto straighten this all out.
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