
I came home and found dishes in the sink, a mess on the counter, I went in the bathroom and found my toothbrush holder on the floor with my toothbrush thrown in another bin alongside the one I generally keep it in...She has a congested cough, yet wont take any otc cough med or even mucinex...dr. is aware..she even tried to refuse her insulin shot, but took it after I hinted she needed it...oh well, another day
hopefully it will be never can tell from one day to the next but its just
her nastiness that really bugs me..although I act like it doesnt bother me, it does-alot-i just dont want her to know...Im sure she picks up on it.!

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Toothbrushes are cheap enough. I'd buy a large supply and keep them hidden and use a new one whenever you feel you need to.
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sand50 she will not stop this ive given up long ago ! you just keep cleaning up like a robot i let it go over my head now as i used to lose my temper so gross! my cats cleaner than her!
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Sandwich makes an excellent point. Mom was always fastidiously neat about the house and her appearance - until about 10 years ago. That's when I started coming in about once a month to clean for her and Dad. It steadily got worse, until no one - not even family - would come in the house because of the smell of unwashed bodies. Once I moved in after Dad died, I got her on a shower schedule, which she still resists many times, but at least she's showering a couple of times a week, not going months without showering.
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I have paper towels all over the house. I keep a roll in every room because I was tired of the laundry. We learn little tricks to help keep our sanity because our loved ones are not going to change but it is very discouraging and many times I feel like a robot also - just picking stuff up and putting it away. With kids it was also frustrating but at least you knew that they were going to learn and one day pick up after themselves. With the elderly it is the opposite - they keep reverting - just like Benjamin Button- so you know it is not going to get better. The only solution is to change your perceptions or your living situation. You do deserve some happiness also. Hugs to you ...
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I don't know what your mom is capable of doing. Every day I spend time cleaning up after my husband in the kitchen bathroom, doing laundry because he goes through towels like crazy, picking up paper towels and napkins, partially user plastic water bottles, etc. With his impairments I don't expect this to ever improve. I just try to see it as part of my daily routine. I do just about everything else that needs doing. Oh well.
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Caregiver99, but one has to also remember when we were small children, our Moms were on average in their 20's and 30's..... not in their 50's and 60's, and older. There is a huge difference in one's energy level, and the ability to bend down to clean up a mess on the floor.
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Oh yes throw out that toothbrush! mine is in my SAFE along with my sponges and facecloths!!!!!!!!!!
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Just accepting the fact that this is part of the "normal" in your life has made it easier for me to deal with the constant cleaning involved in caring for my Mom. Take it one day at a time. God Bless.
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Went shopping today came home and mum decided to make scones? yes house is a right mess......flour on the kitchen floor SO flour footprints all over the house she thinks the downstairs toilet is leaking ITS NOT she just keeps peeing all over it now shes nagging me to get a plumber??
So frustrating i come home to cook dinner after a long day shopping getting her meds etc... then have to clean the whole house AGAIN! oh and i declined on the scones they look lovely BUT i saw the raisins were there from ww2!
Yep the day in the life of a "carer" oh and to add to my stress her latest thing now is taking the loo roll from the toilet? i shouldve known better to check BEFORE i pee so again have to come out of the loo with pants half down to look for loo paper! I asked her why she takes this and she denies all knowlegde says it wasnt her???????? i know its the cat??
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I know FF i told her the raisins were off but she said they wont kill you? Id rather not take the chance thanks! tried to stop her from eating them but no way? i threw the raisins out i honestly dont know where she got them probably at the back of the cupboard i must do some housekeeping? How can someone eat something way out of date? amazing how she has never been sick from this?
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