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Can you give us more info? What kind of surgery? How old is your mom? Does she seem to be doing OK, or is she still having problems relative to why she needed the surgery? Maybe she'd consider going to her regular doc and he/she could check her out?
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Well, in looking up what a rectocele is, I wouldn't be too thrilled about a checkup for that either, if it seemed like things are going OK in that physical area.

Do you go with her to her appointments and speak up if the doctors don't listen to her? If it were my mom, I'd try to make sure she had a good gerontologist or internist who could handle most of her issues and I'd go with her and be her advocate if they try to dismiss her concerns. If the antidepressents and anxiety meds are causing her issues, then she needs to see if others would work. Do you have her Power of Attorney? If so, could you speak to her primary doctor about some of these issues to see if he/she has any ideas to help before your visit? I'd also ask about an appetite stimulant if her appetite is down and she needs to eat more, but doesn't feel like it. I'd also make sure she's hydrated, as dehydration can cause light-headedness, dizziness and fuzzy thinking. If her doctor isn't helpful, then find a new doctor.

Has your mom always been this way, or is this a new kind of behavior for her (resisting doc's visits)? Has she suffered from depression and anxiety for a long time? If so, aging may just be making those already long-term patterns worse.
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Rectocele ,,8o....2 week check up doesn't see the point of any doctors tired of them telling her to eat and she feels like she is feeling worse...Also on meds for depression and anxiety she feels like effecting her eyesight , dizziness, weakness,and thinking.
Doctors don't seem to listen to her concerns...they tell her to think positive and Eat.
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mom only new to depression this July . She has been on meds short time. She thought she would be dead by now from breast cancer 10 yrs. ago. She stayed away from doctors herself. Took son to all his numerous appointments saw how doctors give pill after pills...Son on 15 pills a day....She wants a quality of life which she doesn't have now...
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