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That depends upon what she is receiving treatment FOR. I have seen instances when elders stopped ALL their medications and did better than when they were on them, so it all depends. I don't think that this is something that is predictable. Has your Mom entered palliative care with the honoring of that choice by her physician?
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What treatment is she refusing? More info please.
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she aint going to relieve mike phelps of his olympic medals .
at the point she's deemed to have an expectancy of 6 months or less to live the doc will likely recommend at home hospice services . this is fully covered by medicare .

my advice -- dont let them push you around in your own home . they are guests and can be shown the door as easily as they entered .

try to respect your moms decisions . my mother refused treatment for a mass on her kidney . wise call imo . she was also dying from heart failure and dementia . she just knew the odds were against her winning this last battle .
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