
My friend has broken hip two broken arms and has stage four bone cancer and has just been told she has AFib and she is also diabetic and wants to be moved from Flagstaff hospital to fresno home in a 2021 Land cruiser I would think there is some kinda help out there to do such a move but I don't know about these type of things and I'm asking for some kind of help or direction to get some kind of help my friend is a 160+ lbs and needs constant help with everything I'm more then willing to help her but don't want to add to problems or worse she has medical and Medicare a&b I'm not familiar with dealing with insurance company and would like to know if any one can give me some type of. Help or someone to get ahold of to bring her home comfortable and with hurting her please

This would require a medical transport to be done safely and with any semblance of comfort. The hospital social worker where your friend is should be able to give you information on such services. To attempt this in a private car sounds misguided and unintentionally cruel
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Daughterof1930

Who is accepting this friend into care in Fresno?
It should be coordinated with the social workers in Flagstaff and Fresno.
This is end stage boney mets and this would be a horrifically painful trip with medications needed.

I would not delve into this, myself. This is for people on the scene and familiar with the friend either in Flagstaff or Fresno. Without family willing to do this trip and handle discharge from one facility and acceptance to another this is very problematic.

Also at issue here is whether this friend is self-paying or not. Because if governmental Medicaid programs are involved that presents further issues.
Leave this to family of the friend; and be supportive as a long distance friend to the level you can be. Sometimes moves like this are sort of end of life dreams that are not in real life possible due to issues of pain, logistics, staffing at a level to administer medications, and etc.

I doubt there is little you can do here but wish well, and I wish that to you all. I am sorry to hear of this dire diagnosis.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Thats a 600 mile trip with stops on the way. Are you willing to take her to the bathroom? I also would not want to care for someone with all these problems without being properly trained. Her home would need to be excessible. Medicare will pay for PT and provide an aide but thats temporarily.

Sounds like she may need Hospice. They help with a bath aide but thats about it. In home, family does the 24/7 care. If fresno is where her insurance is, thats good, but if not...that becomes a problem. Insurances don't all transfer States.

No, she can't do this by car.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

Thank you I agree
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to William67friend

"Medicare typically doesn't cover non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) across state lines, but there are some exceptions: 

Doctor's certification -
Medicare may cover NEMT if a doctor certifies the trip as medically necessary to protect the patient's health. For example, a doctor can issue a written order for serious medical conditions that require frequent visits, like dialysis appointments or physical therapy. 

Exceptions for Original Medicare -
Medicare may cover NEMT if you don't have a valid driver's license or if it's unsafe for you to drive. 

Prior approval -
You should seek prior approval from Medicare before assuming coverage, even with a written certification from a doctor. 

Out-of-pocket costs -
After you meet the Part B deductible, Original Medicare will pay 80% of covered medical transportation costs. You are responsible for 20% of the Medicare-approved expenses. 

Nonmedical transportation benefits -
Some Medicare Advantage plans provide nonmedical transportation benefits for people with certain chronic conditions. For example, a plan may cover up to 24 one-way trips every 12 months."

FYI it is very very expensive to hire medical transport for critically ill people. This is not DIY.

Also, will your friend be going into a LTC facility in Fresno, or hospice? Hopefully not into a private home... or is it your friend's home? If so there may be a better chance of Medicare covering some or all of it.

Ask her if she has a medical PoA. If no, then she needs to do this and then her MPoA can then legally manage things going forward. Or, she can hire a Geriatric Care Manager to work on her behalf. She should also assign a financial PoA, and create a Advance Healthcare Directive so she does not receive unwanted heroic medical treatments. This is so her MPoA does not have to anguish over decisions (DNR? Feeding tube? Chemo? etc).
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Geaton777

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