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Why was she in the hospital? What did her discharge plan say about getting her up and moving?
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Each and every time my dad was hospitalized he lost ground in terms of mobility and stamina. It was always a challenge to get back to normal, and sometimes that normal had to become a new normal, one with less function. Time spent lying in a bed, not getting up, having meals brought to a bed, not doing any normal activities are very hard on a person who already has physical impairments. You can encourage but also know this isn’t abnormal
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notgoodenough Sep 2020
1930, I found the same thing happened with my mom. Going into the hospital was a classic example of "one step forward two steps back" scenario.

To the OP: was there home physical therapy prescribed in her discharge papers? If not, I would call her PCP and see if they can prescribe it. It helped my mom to a certain degree - at least they can help mom concentrate on moving safely and minimizing fall risk...
After a week wasn't rehab suggested to get her strength back? I would phone her PCP and ask for an order to have "in home" therapy. Medicare will pay for this. Our "in home" supplies an aide for bathing.
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