
Prior heart surgery caused minor strokes, had memory problem.

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Her son should form an identity here and then ask specific questions about any condition: ie: is it diagnosed? How is it being treated? What are the problems with treatment? Where does Mom live? Who is responsible for care? What are the problems currently being encountered. Thanks for being a good friend.
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She must be seen by a doctor without further delay.. Keep her hydrated with plenty of water. She needs to be on antibiotics ASAP, as the infection can go septic throughout her body.
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UTI's can re-occur quite often. They can cause psychosis issues and if not treated quickly, can result in an emergency. I wouldn't wait to see her PCP. Take her to an ER.
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Absolutely he needs to get her to the ER. My 91 year old dad passed away last week. The week before Christmas he developed a UTI which went septic. He spent 2 weeks in the hospital and then was sent to rehab still on IV antibiotics. He never fully recovered and died 2 weeks later. A UTI, especially in the elderly, is nothing to mess around with.
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Isthisrealyreal Jan 2021
Sharon, I am so sorry for your loss. May God grant you grieving mercies and comfort during this difficult time. Great big warm hug!
AnnsKlan, this isn't a do-it-yourself project.

As NYCmama had mentioned in her post, the son needs to take his mother to her primary doctor for an UTI test to see if in fact there is an UTI... the doctor will put the Mom on antibiotics, and after the more complex test results come back [usually takes 3 days], may change the antibiotics to something else.
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I wonder if the son took the Mom to the Drs. Actually, since having delusions, I would have gone right to ER. By the time a UTI causes these type of symptoms, IV antibiotics are needed. Also, a culture should be done to determine the type of bacteria involved. Mom was catherized to get all the Urine out of her badder.

Then its pervention. A probiotic and cranberry tablets worked for Mom. Alva says D-Mannose. Also, plenty of water, void completely and keep area clean as possible.
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He should get her to the ER. My mom had this going on and she collapsed. ER found UTI that had gone septic, which was causing her kidneys to shut down and she was severely dehydrated. One more day at home would have done her in.

I know that it is terribly scary to seek medical care, anytime but especially now, however, she can die from a UTI.
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