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Start researching programs in your area that m ight help.
Your local Senior Services Center may have programs.
Your local Area Agency on Aging may have programs.
If you or your husband are Veterans the VA may provide some help.
Contact your local Veterans Assistance Commission and see what services the VA may offer.
Is your husband eligible for Hospice? If so you would get all the equipment you need as well as supplies delivered and a Nurse will come at least 1 time a week and a CNA would come at least 2 times a week to help with a bath or shower as well as order supplies. this is all covered by Medicare, Medicaid and other insurance.
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When you mention medical, do you mean California Medicaid? Medicaid varies by state.

It seems unlikely that a needs based program like Medicaid is going to pay $XX,XXX a month for in home 24 hour care. They will likely pay for a limited number of hours at a limited pay rate to a limited pool of workers. Facility care is likely the default.

Get advice from an attorney with expertise in Medicaid for your state to best utilize your assets and income and understand what your options are.
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Sadly the small amounts and help you may get from outside sources won't ever be enough for 24/7 care services for your husband. And the out of pocket cost for 24/7 care services will far exceed the cost of any nursing facility, sad but true.
Most of us want to be able to keep our loved ones home to care for them and some of us have been fortunate to be able to do that, but a lot of folks are just not able to, especially if they're not able to do the majority of the work themselves.
If your husbands care is getting to be just too much for you, you may want to start looking into placing him in the appropriate facility, where Medicaid can be applied for to pay for it.
I wish you both the very best.
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