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I'm not sure of the medication itself but if she is having challenging behaviors, then having her put on a med that calms her down and makes her less challenging is a good thing.
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From the internet:
"What is Depakote?
Depakote affects chemicals in the body that may be involved in causing seizures. Depakote is used to treat various types of seizure disorders. This medicine is sometimes used together with other seizure medications.
Depakote tablets and capsules are used to treat seizures in people with epilepsy who are at least 10 years old. The tablets are sometimes used together with other seizure medications.
Depakote tablets are also used in adults to prevent migraine headaches, or to treat manic episodes related to bipolar disorder (manic depression)..............................."

It goes on. The internet is your friend in researching drugs, what they are, how they work, what they are given for, and what side effects are.

As with so many drugs now, many that were created to treat certain conditions (in this case seizures) end up being good for other conditions, or USED at least, for other conditions. Witness that the drugs that are used to treat diabetes are now being used for weight loss, leading to them THINKING that they are ALSO helping also with cholesterol and on and on and on. Studies are ongoing.

The military industrial complex's REAL honey is the drug industry. Drugs are passed out like candy from the time we are toddlers until we pass (too late) at 100. What can I say. We are living longer. Are we living happier? Anyones guess; anyone's opinion.

Now to your individual case. You tell us that your mother is suffering from some "challenging" behaviors". It is my hope that if an MD put her on this medication they are specialized in neuro-psyc?
Most drugs given to our seniors in care are given to keep them calmer, quieter, happier. That sort of thing. Often they give "drug cocktails" (someone said they "hate that word" but it is a fact) and honestly the best way to know if they are working is if/when they work. Or do not.
So questions back at you.
Are you MPOA?
Have you discussed reasons for this medication with prescribing MD?
Have you noticed any positive or negative responses to this drug?
Have you discussed with the facility?

Good luck, Kathy. I wish you well. I hope you will update us as you go on.
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Prescribing meds for anxiety, depression and agitation is a very common treatment for dementia patients. Dementia robs people of their abilities to use reason and logic, their sense of time and space and memory, and therefore judgment. They are no longer able to bring themselves around to a "better" mental state... they don't have the tools to do it anymore. Therefore, it is merciful to help them with this, otherwise they will be wracked with anxiety all day long. It may take a few weeks to find the right meds at the right dosage. But once the medical staff figures it out, it can be very helpful (although not perfect).
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