
We have successfully untethered from her, but how can I be sure she is getting adequate care in her new rest home?

Thanks in advance!

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I am glad that Mom is getting the help she needs. I worry about you and your brother. I have a nephew who is on the Autistic spectrum and he needed a lot of help getting what he needed to live on his own. I so hope that APS or some organization is helping you and brother. Please be aware, that you will need to mature. I feel my nephew has done a lot of growing up since he has been on his own. You will need some guidance to help you maneuver around some of the legal stuff.

I think Zippy is wrong. You don't want to upset Mom so when u visit wear the appropriate clothes. When on ur own u can do what you want.

I agree that you visit Mom at different times of the day. You just observe if she is clean and seems to be well cared for. Don't expect her care to be like u would do. If she gets nasty, its ok to say goodbye. You can set boundries.

I so hope u guys have someone to talk to. Good Luck.
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In addition to the good advice from other..... Just understand that even the best care is never going to be perfect or meet 100% of her needs or your expectations. There were many little things that drove me crazy about the care my mother received and a few that still have the power to hurt my heart years after her passing, but rationally I know that much of it was just because of her decline and there really was no better option.
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The best way to ensure proper care is to visit. Yes, we all know that you wanted to "untether" yourself, but if you are concerned about her status then check in. Pretty simple. When you are done with your visit, you leave. You can also call the nursing desk or the social worker and keep tabs on her status that way.
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You are "untethered" now from your "controlling mother who has dementia for SURE" and is living in a "rest home" and you're worried about her getting "propper care" there. Yet post, "Just to tick her off I will wear an off-the-shoulder or a strapless dress. She can no longer control me!" Is your mom not already stressed out enough in a new environment away from her home, do you think?

Your goals and intentions seem conflicted to me. Who's interests do you truly have at heart here?

If mom's, then obviously you go visit her frequently and act as her loving daughter and healthcare advocate, leaving revealing clothing at home along with the chip on your shoulder.

If it's your own best interests you're serving here, why are you asking this question? Perhaps you are feeling conflicted yourself and could use guidance, I don't know.

I will have to stand with BurntCGs response in hoping the court appoints a good social worker to be your conservator/guardian.

In an effort to get "untethered" from mom, it sounds like you've left yourself and your brother in an unmanageable position, alone to fend for yourselves now.

Being able to wear revealing clothing does not make you an adult, I'm sorry to say. There's so much more involved with the job, it's absurd! What's your plan to find out about real life moving forward?

I wish you Godspeed and good luck, and to your dear mom for all she's going through which I'm not sure you realize.
Helpful Answer (4)
lealonnie1 Apr 2023
I realize disabilities exist for many among us, and would also imagine/hope social services would intervene as needed to help. As I said to this op, I wish her and her brother Godspeed and good luck with all they're facing, as WELL as their mom.
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Congratulations, you are now one step further along to improving your life. Unless you and your brother are her guardians, then the responsibility of making sure she gets adequate care is not yours.

Are you still working with Cathy to continue to improve your life? What happens with the house? Do you still live there?

How are the job applications coming along?
Helpful Answer (3)
BurntCaregiver Apr 2023
They are not the mother's guardians, CTTN. You've seen this person's posts. Can you believe for a second that the law would allow such a person to be anyone's guardian? Even their own.
More likely mother was the legal guardian for her two adult children. Not the other way around.
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Hi Sara! That you for your update. I was rereading your original post from November:�

So glad you and your brother will be able to get your lives started as your mom is being taken care of at the facility.
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Just found out she has Dementia for SURE
Helpful Answer (2)
bundleofjoy Apr 2023
the whole situation is a little strange.
if your mother was forced into a nursing home, you would have been told way before today already, that she was diagnosed with dementia. if she herself decided to go to a nursing home, you still would have been told before today of this diagnosis.

you are 29. your mother is around 60? dementia is unlikely.

as far as i understand, she is private-pay (not medicaid) in a nursing home. you're living in her home. it's up to her, if she still wants you and your brother living there. as someone else pointed out, it might not be possible for you two to live safely alone in her house.
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As someone else said, your story doesn't make sense. We will never know the truth of all the details. But here's my guess: you say you found out your Mom got dementia, after she was placed in a resting home. I don't believe it. As someone else said, you would have been told before. I know you have mild autism. But I think you're taking advantage of your Mom, living in her house. You got your Mom out of her house: even though it might not have been only your decision, you helped that happen. And now you're taking advantage of living in her house.
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Mikurotoro92 May 2023
It is so hard to explain all of this but please know that I am NOT lying about any of it

The dementia diagnosis came before going to the rest home and that is what CAUSED her to go to a rest home in the first place
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From what I read in your posts, what you like to do is play video games.

This might not be you, but then again, it might be you: I know people who are fully capable of getting a job, since they’re fully capable of concentrating for hours on video games, but they don’t want to work. They want to play video games.
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Just want to explain guardianship of children with disabilities. When under 18, parents are automatically guardians. Once a child is 18 they are considered emancipated. Does not matter how challenged they are, they are emancipated. So, the parents have to file for guardianship. Autism has different levels all the way to Asbergers which these people can usually function pretty well but still have some socialization problems. One thing is being able to read people.

The impression I get, and yes its one sided, this mother has been ill for a while and needed to use her children as her caregivers. She may have never gotten guardianship. May not have even realized she needed to. Children with challenges do not mature if you don't help them mature. Also, children with challenges are usually behind maturity wise in yrs. If no one reported a problem with this family, there would not be a guardian in place.

I keep asking the question if Miku is getting help for her and her brother. No answer. I told her she needed to tell APS she needed help. No answer. This mother had to be pretty bad off for APS to take her from the home. At this point, I hope that APS is helping these two or some government agency.

I have a disabled nephew I oversee and it took a while to set up him up with the help he needed to be independent.
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ventingisback May 2023
I repeat again:

Really, there’s no way a guardian would leave them alone in the house. And there’s no way, even though the Mom was recently placed, they wouldn’t have already organized a guardian. 

There is even such a thing as immediate, emergency guardianship.

Conclusion: OP must be legally competent. She has no NEED for a guardian.

It’s not possible for us on the forum to know the truth about the details. But I bet I’m right: the reality is she doesn’t need a guardian.
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