
My mom's deceased sister exhibited the same habits. Her son said she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Mom is seeing people in her room. Last night she said a man removed the ceiling tiles and that dust was falling on her.

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I agree with suggestions to have a urine test done - however My mother has been put on antibiotics four times with a suspected UTI - only to find out after the cultures came back that it is revealed that she did NOT have a UTI. The suggestion to have cognitive test done is critical, and one that I did not know about until the third UTI testing done because of erratic behavior of seeing & hearing things, people and deceased loved ones.
I particularly like it when she sees flowering fields and young children playing or an occasional loved one who has passed on - because those are the ONLY positive ones she sees -- most of the time it is something that is very upsetting to her. (i.e. : my Dad & "his <non-existent> girlfriend" riding bikes up the hill and along the ceiling, she keeps trying to run after them but can't get to them - which has also caused some pretty serious falls.) She repeatedly sees my husband outside her window asking her if she is ready to go yet. (my husband passed away from cancer 12+ years ago) This one is particularly emotional for me when we talk about it. But it also makes my heart happy that maybe he is there to help her eventually "across". (I was at my husband's side at home when he passed, and there is no doubt in my mind that there were loved ones there to help him across.)
I am not suggesting that because she is seeing and talking to people, etc. that she is near death. Please forgive me if I have caused you concern over this. I don't think my Mom is near death at this point yet either - but I also think that she needs some reassuring regarding the confusion and fears she has about what she is going through - and if "filling in the blanks" includes seeing and talking with people - I am all for it. I just wish it was more positive than negative. We try our best to deflect a BAD vision into a GOOD one - for example asking what the girl on the bike with Dad looks like - and if she says long dark hair we convince her it must be Amanda (her granddaughter) who is always trying to get them to exercise more. That usually works, but not always. If it were me and my Mom told me that the ceiling tiles are falling all over her - I would say something about how the renovations and the new ceiling are going to look BEAUTIFUL once it's completed! We just have to get through this messy part. It's all about trying to help them make sense of what they think they are seeing. If all they are believing they are seeing is negative or horrifying things - they will probably be terrified & miserable all the time - and not find any peace at all. And I think that is what my role is now -- to try to help my mom find some PEACE in this horrible situation.
(My sister and I call them "chicklets" -- which can also be called "fiblets" - but if we say fiblets in front of our mother - she seems to know we are lying. Chicklets works for us.)

Sorry for the long message - I hope you find some way to divert the things your LO is seeing & make them more pleasant for her.
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AnnReid Mar 2020
I have firm faith in the presence of those who have gone before me, but I don’t see them or hear them talk.

‘I do “sense” them though.
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Your profile says she suffers from a Dementia. Seeing things is par for the course. My Mom always saw a little girl who disappeared when I came into the room.

Bring it up to the doctor and a Urine test to check for infection wouldn't hurt.
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Flash7, have the doctor check your Mom for a Urinary Tract Infection. Such an infection in old folks will cause a huge array of strange behaviors, and one is seeing people who are not there.

Clearing up a UTI is easy if your Mom doesn't mind taking the antibiotics. If the UTI initial test comes back clean, at least the doctor can rule out that is the cause.
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My husband has seen three angels for 14 years. He has described them to me from their clothing to their weapons. He says he talks with them and they laugh at his jokes. I humor him and say I'm jealous -- I would like to see them too. Who knows for sure? Maybe they are real!
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Flash, at 81 yrs old the likelihood that she is experiencing mental illness is not as great as the likelihood that she is having age-related issues. Like freqflyer stated, take her to get tested for a UTI, which is very common in the elderly and can cause them to display the symptoms you describe. Often it is the only symptom of a UTI, and they can get many of them. While at the doctor, discretely ask them to perform a cognitive exam so that you know what you're dealing with (but may not be recommended if she does have a UTI...wait to do cognitive exam until she is fully recovered). Her hallucinations could be other medical causes but discount the easiest and most likely first. Let us know how it goes!
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My mom has moderate to advanced dementia, she said there was a man looking in through a fake window decoration with a wreath on ithe haging on the wall. Mom was an artist , she said give me a pencil . I will draw him. She drew a creepy cartoonish face. She was so surprised that I didn't see it ! Delusions are very common in dementia as it advances. UTIS are also common . My mom is always seeing little things like bugs and animals.
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Sounds like you're acting perfectly when it comes to redirecting or playing along, Flash. When Mom had hallucinations of a man or woman standing in her kitchen, I made show of ordering them out of the house, walking them out, slamming the door and locking it. I'm still amazed that made the hallucinations go away.

I echo recommending checking for a UTI. You also could have a pharmacist check over all her medications. There may be a medicine she's taking or a combination of medicines she's taking that could cause hallucinations. Perhaps a med needs to be adjusted.
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Could be UTI symptoms or dehydration. With my mom hallucinations are an early symptom.
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My mom had Alzheimer’s and when she saw or more often was hearing music none of us could, id have her checked for a UTI. She works a catheter so was more prone to the infections. I’d ask Mom about whoever she saw and made sure she wasn’t frightened. She also saw deceased family in her last week. I hope that’s what angels are about. I know it brought her peace and comfort.
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I would check for UTI, dehydration, other infections and neurological issues and if all come back negative then just go along with whatever your mom is saying. Maybe she really is seeing someone or it just could all be in her head. Who knows!

For my mother, I just go along with it. She tells me that her dad visits her and I tell her "well he dad must really love her to come here and talk to her." If my mother says that someone is knocking on her bedroom door as this happens a lot; I tell her it is God and she says, "oh, God is always welcome into my room." She even tells me that God isn't talking to me anymore. I just tell her that I will have to talk to Him and see what He is mad at me about. All this seems to work for her.

As long as your mom isn't scared and there is no underlying medical cause I wouldn't worry to much about.

Good luck!
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