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She's probably bored to tears and feels there's nothing better to do than shop. If her dementia is "mild" then she is more than aware of what she is doing. And if she has the money to do so, and isn't hurting anyone, why not just let her be?
I enjoy watching QVC occasionally myself, especially when they have their Christmas in July shows as I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!
So why don't you get her more actively involved with other things like taking her out to eat with her friends, going to church or the gym, your local senior center or even just the mall to window shop? I would recommend an Adult Daycare Center, but if her dementia is mild she may not be ready for that yet, but the bottom line is if you don't want her shopping everyday on QVC, then you're going to have to keep her busy doing other things.
I guess there could be worse things she's addicted to than QVC, so again if she has the money to do so, let her enjoy her shopping while she can as there will come a time when she won't be able to figure out how to use her phone or computer to place an order.
I think you must choose your battles wisely and I'm just not sure this one is worth fighting.
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You can block the station. Most cable companies allow "Parental Lock" features. You could do this with any "home shopping" station.

Another option would be to limit her credit card. Place a $100.00 limit on it per month if that is acceptable. (although that would still allow the split payments that they so "nicely" offer)
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Block the channel and see if you can block charges to specific merchants. I have my mothers credit card set up to send me a text alert. If anything over a dollar is spent. It has been helpful.
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