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What kind of suggestions are you looking for? How to keep her safe? What kind of care you should be looking for? If you could provide more details, that would be helpful.
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Thank you for that.
at this moment we are looking for immediate thoughts on how to keep her from leaving her apartment. We bought the faux bookshelf sheet to cover the door, but we are skeptical. We also were trying to childproof the lever knob on the door. We put a note on her wheelchair, please do not go out without pushing the button on your necklace. We are touring memory care AL, those waitlists are very long, and we already have a 30 day notice given to us last week. Yikes! And thank you
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Ahmijoy May 2019
I’ve heard that putting a black rug by the door will deter some. They think it’s a hole. Can you temporarily install a “nanny cam”? When you see her leave, can you alert the staff? You can also try a Wander Guard ankle monitor. Good luck. My mom was a flight risk. She had to go to a locked unit for her own safety.
Here are a couple of articles about wandering:

Many nursing home use "Visual deterrents" such as STOP SIGNS that hang ACROSS DOORWAYS and Black or DARK MATS on the floor that are interpreted as "BLACK HOLES" to minimize wandering of people with Alzheimer's and Dementia.  These actually work as I have seen residents with Dementia/Alzheimer's refuse to step on the black mat and refuse to go out the door when the Stop Sign is hanging across the doorway.

The Stop Sign might work better than the faux bookshelf on the inside of the door leading to the hallway of the AL.

Here are some websites (Copy & Paste URL to your browser.) of Stop Signs made especially as visual deterrent for wandering. Many of the signs are attached with Velcro-like fasteners so that you can take them off anytime you want to.  The sign will need to be removed prior to your loved one going out the door.

What visual deterrents does the AL allow the family to use for their family member?

Good Luck with finding an option that works for your family. {{{HUGS}}}
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judyberryman May 2019
Thank you! Very useful suggestions. The AL us looking the other way with most anything we are doing to keep her safe. They know we are almost out of there.
Thanks for taking the time to help.
Well, the AL may be looking the other way, but she is a resident until she is formally discharged or moved out. They can still be held responsible for anything that happens to her.
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