
However, we are told she is quarantined in her room and we are unable to speak with her. The facility claims they can’t find the phone and the facility doesn’t want staff in her studio apartment to look for it. presumably, other residents have this “Rota” virus also. We haven’t been able to talk with her for four days now. Is this appropriate action on the part of this facility?

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Are you able to speak with the staff about your family member’s condition in the facility?

Why are they hesitant to send staff to her room? Aren’t they being paid to check in on her?

Your post is a bit confusing. Please clarify.

I am sorry that you are having communication issues with the staff at the assisted living facility.
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Rotavirus is nasty and contagious.,decreased%20urination
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I doubt if the staff does not enter the room at all. She needs to be cared for and fed. But, they probably do not want to spend a length of time searching for a phone. The battery is probably dead and ur LO has no idea how to charge it. May even be down in her chair.

As long as the staff is willing to keep u apprised of her well being, you may have to except that. The article Geaton gives says 2 days quarantine, I may ask how long LO is going to be quarantined. Maybe they are waiting for it to take its course.
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Yes, containing rotavirus is far more important than finding a lost phone right now. It's a nasty intestinal virus that landed my son in the ER when he was about nine yenrs old, so imagine what it would do to the elderly.

Check in with the nursing staff for an update on her condition. Do she have the virus, or are they just trying to keep her from getting it? Either way, they should be willing to give a brief update on how she's doing each day.
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How frequently does your mother normally speak to family members?

If the facility is in the middle of a rotavirus outbreak the staff probably do have their hands full. But while it's appropriate to exclude visitors in person from the facility for infection prevention and control reasons, that's no excuse to refuse your mother support to contact her family. What's stopping them using one of their own phones to help her ring you, for example? And how much longer do they expect the quarantine period to last?

Depending on the various factors I'd be getting a formal complaint ready. Your mother has a right to maintain relationships and they need to be prepared to support her.
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