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Well if sister was able to get up and do while other sister was there , then she is capable of doing more than she does and I would not be waiting on her.
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BlueEyedGirl94 Jun 2022

Patrice, if she is capable of doing things for herself when one person is around, but not when another person is around, someone is getting played. Unfortunately, a lot of people will take from you what you will give them. If she is not doing for herself when you are the one helping her, but she was able to do for herself when your other sister was around...I would be putting some new boundaries in place.

Tough love moment. It is not really helping her if she has the ability to get better and do for herself and she doesn't because by doing it for her you prevent her from doing it herself unintentionally. I have literally watched my FIL yell and scream and snap his fingers and WHISTLE for my SIL to get him a shirt from the chair which is fewer than 3 feet away from him. While she is busy doing something else for him. While we are all actually busy doing something else in fact. She started to stop doing one thing for him to run to his aid and we all grabbed her and told her no. Finally....he got frustrated that she wasn't moving fast enough for his liking and.....can you believe it...he actually got his own shirt....

I'm not trying to make light of your situation in anyway. I'm just saying, by your own profile statement that it sounds like your sister may have the ability to do for herself and isn't and maybe it is time to let her figure out how to help herself a little bit more.
Do you live with her? Is she independent? Is her depression being treated, with meds and/or therapy? How old is she?
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Apparently, you sister suffers from severe depression in addition to her orthopedic problem. She needs to see a psychiatrist and start taking antidepressant medicines, Some counseling might be needed too.
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