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I'm reposting what is in your profile because it is helpful information about your situation:

"I am caring for my wife Amy, who is 66 years old, living at home with alzheimer's / dementia, anxiety, arthritis, mobility problems..."

You may be at the point where you'll have to hire someone to mind her, like a companion aid. My very elderly aunt is the same way and when she's in her recliner we attach an alarm to her clothing that it tethered to the small alarm unit that we clip to the chair. When she starts to get up, the magnet at the end of the tether comes away from the alarm unit and it goes off loudly. This doesn't necessarily prevent her from getting up but at least we are alerted to her movement.

I saw something else called a Sensor Belt on the same website.
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My mother is 86 years with moderate dementia also will not use the walker (but luckily she's able to walk to the bathroom & her bedroom on her own.). Anyway, to get her to use the walker more, I tell her to just follow the perimeter of a large square carpet in the family room while I cook in the adjoining kitchen. So mom will walk an extra 10 minutes maybe. while talking to me. Good luck.
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I had to write you. My mother was literally chair bound. After, p/t, o/t, etc. I came across an ad in a magazine. I never purchased anything in a magazine, however, in my mother's Saturday Evening Post magazine an add for an UpWalker Lite was advertised. There are other models online such as Amazon, however this is important you can call your insurance company and find out which vendor will reimburse you for the cost. The first place you have to start is with the PCP (primary care provider) and ask them to write you a prescription. The gray aluminum walkers are junk. They are alright for at nighttime going to the bathroom, however, out in public it makes the patient, gaze down, shoulders hunched and after a while the wrists ache. My mother can walk the entire grocery store with this UPWalker Lite. At first she was embarrassed now she speaks with people who ask her what is that and I always respond it cost $495.
Believe me I am still going back and forth with the insurance company to get reimbursed the 80% but in the mean time it has given my mother freedom. My model was purchased from or call 1-800-514-8358

This folds up in the trunk, has brakes, handgrips a seat, can hold up to 300 lbs.
You can probably get a cheaper model but run this past your doctor first. When I take my mother to her doctor's appointments the doctors' ask me about this. They want to buy one for their mother and/or father. People actually take photos with the cell phone and the phone number is on the model. I just checked the walker and the phone number on it is (877) 488-0822. I think the first number is probably to place the order and the later, customer service after the product is received.

Remember if your wife doesn't move around pneumonia and UTI's can set in. (Mom has cranberry juice every morning) I am NOT a medical professional but in my experience this model has improved my mother's balance, inner core, breathing and she eats better which gives her more endurance to exercise. My mother even uses it in the hallway talking to the neighbors. I moved her to a first floor, away from any stairs. Most durable medical equipment stores, do not carry this particular item. This model has elbow rests and it adjust to the height of the person, it is NOT a low model.

This pretty much comes assembled but as a back up you could always have someone at a "bicycle shop" tighten this up for you.

I had to write you this early in the morning because I have been where you are and thought, oh no, Mom's not moving around, this is going to cause more problems. Please run all of this past her doctor and I do hope I gave you some hope! God Bless You...I will pray for you.
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'won't use a walker' 🤔
Looking for reason may? help, maybe..?

"Won't" eg I am perfectly fine & don't need that!

Lack of insight is hard. These folk often use furniture to steady themselves instead. Grab rails in bathroom & for any steps are good, but you can't grab rail the entire home. More supervision helps to redirect to the walker or safer objects.

Or "won't" eg Can't remember.

If can't remember, being as visable as possible may help. Having bright ribbons attached, bright handles, being kept right there by her chair. Supervision to bring the walker as she gets up.

Basically, more supervision for either. Can't be always successful, but to minimise falls is the aim.

Other fall prevention strategies can be used to. Keep the floor uncluttered. Remove any rugs. Ensure steps are clearly visable. Grab rails where practical, over toilet seat. Having an OT do a home assessment may be something to consider.

Unfortunately, falls often start to happen.
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