
She was 58 at the time. She did receive his life insurance plan. But was told she needed to be 66 before receiving his pension. Just wondering what the age limit is? I was thinking it should’ve been received immediately no matter what our age was.

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Are you sure she is eligible at all? Since she has remarried she may not be. If she is still eligible I would think this is standard practice to reach 66 before collecting the pension.

Maybe I am not understanding your question. It is confusing.
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hagg455 Jan 2020
He was receiving GM disability he left with 30 yrs. she was single for 3 yrs before marrying.
this would probably be a question for the husbands former employer or whoever administers their pension plan. If by pension you really mean social security, then yes she cannot collect his social security. If it’s an actual pension then again no one here is likely to be able to answer the question because the rules vary depending on the pension and spouses aren’t always able to receive it.
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Yes, this sounds right. I wasn't allowed to collect pension from a former employer till 65. It sounds like this employer has the age set at the same time some of us can receive full SS. I would question her receiving this pension now she has remarried.

"I was wondering what the age limit is" Sorry, I don't understand this question. For her to collect her husbands employers pension she has to be 66 as she was told. That is the limit. It was probably that way for him too. Its how that company set up their pension plan. With my husband it was age 58 and 30 yrs service. For a spouse to be able to receive a pension "immediately" the deceased spouse is usually already collecting it. Each company can set up pension plans anyway they want. Pensions are incentives. Be aware, if/when wife receives the pension, she will only get a %. She will not receive the full amount her husband would have. His pension is also based on the years he worked. So if he worked 25 yrs she won't receive as much as the person who worked 40/50 yrs. I wouldn't expect a windfall. His contribution stopped at his death. If I become a widow, I will only receive 60% of my husbands as a "survivor". My Mom received 40%.

You questions can be answered by the Benefits department where her former husband worked.
Helpful Answer (3)
gladimhere Jan 2020
He will not be able to get any information, it is not his pension nor would be be able to find out if wife is entitled to it. It is none of his business.
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Sorry, did not see his profile. So things could be different since her former husband died.
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hagg455 Jan 2020
He was a GM salary worker that went out on disability. He had 30 yrs when he went out.
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