
I was told to reimburse myself for gas, food lodging while I drove over 1300 miles one way. Then there was the physical labor to packing moving them, boxes, close, excetra! Cleaning he house, running errors, taking them places when needed for two months. PS mentioned I think .54 cents on the mile, but what about where and tear on my car it's almost at 80,000.00 miles I probably put close to 3500 miles on it since I left drove around up there and came back. Anyone have a day rate, or how do you figure something like this?

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I got paid for moving boxes. I got reimbursed for the moving company. I did not get paid for cleaning, packing, errands, food, or mileage. If you have an SUV you probably get 15 miles per gallon. So that is $4 in gas for 15 miles but if you get 54 cents x15 miles you get $8.10. That covers wear and tear. Food? well I eat anyway so why should I get paid for that. Lodging: cheap lodging is $50 a night, but I would pay more for a clean bed, maybe $100 tops. But if I already made 3500x.54=$1890, I think I would leave it at that and not ask for more.
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PS, are you talking about 3500 miles or 3500 dollars? I drove about 3500 miles, the attorneys said anything pertaining to the trip to care for my parents. Groceries are more expensive in that area then where I live, food gas everything. The attorney before they fired us never gave me a day rate as she preferred it to be a day rate. I have all the receipts, everything I put on a credit card and only reimburse as agreed with the attorney. The senior advisor charged 80.00 and hour which I think is robbery told them so. I could have done what she did for nothing. She also told me she could help me get paid and not to under estimate my value. She said this is a business, I told her these are my parents not business plus it was not her place to present my parents as a business deal. Thanks for your input PS.
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I took 3500 miles multiplied by 54 cents for a total of 1890 dollars.

The government average per diem rates for meals and lodging go by zipcode. I am in 14150 so the per diem rate is $107. Go to
and enter the zipcode. Bear in mind that per diem does not include the mileage you drove. It's just meals and lodging per day.
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Thanks PS. that gives me some idea of where to go from here.
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