
After searching high and low finding a suitable Assisted Living facility for my uncle our family decided on one that seemed the best from our visits and also from online reviews. After the move in we had high hopes that we would be able to find him in good hands and could finally relax. Unfortunately things started going awry: medication not dispensed in proper time which affected his well being and mobility dramatically (however we are paying extra for the management of his medication), little to no help in the daily grooming, dressing and bathing (also paid for services), slow if absent reaction times to emergency level pulls from his bed at when he wet the bed and had to lie in it until morning, missing almost 75% of his wardrobe after only a weeks laundry and hit and miss assistance to help wake and get him to bed daily due to Parkinson's mobility issues. I have kept an electronic trail of emails of instances to the Executive Director noting dates and various issues. The answer is always that the issue will be hoped to be improved for my uncle. It hasn't. On a visit to the AL, I was approached by the relative of a resident who through discussing realized we had a similar issue along with other residents and their families. Some of them have organized a Family Council that meets with the Executive Director in hopes of improving things (among them opposing an annual 5% increase on the basic service). When a resident moves in they are given an informative package that includes ways of escalating issues beyond that of the Executive Director and ultimately to the state level. Has anyone had any similar experience?

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Kayunsis, may I ask how do you know that this poor care is happening? Is this something that your Uncle is telling you?

Just to note, it is quite common for an elder to make up stories, this way the elder hopes that the family will take them back home to be cared. Now you mentioned other families are chatting about similar issues. So there might be a legit reason, or their loved ones wanting to find a way to get back home.

My Dad was in Independent Living, and eventually Assisted Living, and I would pop in every now and then during the year he was there before he passed, not at the same time each time. I would stay with Dad for awhile, and the Med Tech would come in smiling to give him his medicine... Aides would stop in to see how he was doing..... the dining room would call Dad to remind him it was time to head to the dining room, etc.

My Dad wasn't always happy with the response time whenever he pulled the cord in the bathroom or bed.... there could be a triage situation going on where the Staff is needed in an emergency situation. But usually someone would be there to check on Dad almost immediately. Sometimes 2 hours in "Dad time" was actually 5 minutes in real time.

I would suggest camping out with your Uncle for a day to see what goes on, that would give you a better idea how the place is being run. If the Aides looked run down and not smiling, then there could be an issue with the Admin who oversees the Aides. Hope you can get everything straighten out.
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Thanks for your response freqflyer.
My father has on occasion stayed in the same room as my uncle for weeks at a time in order to justify that what my uncle says to us is indeed true. We wanted to make sure that my uncle was not making up stories. I have pulled the emergency cord myself in his room and no one comes... ever. The Aides don't seem to be unhappy. Perhaps maybe overworked. We have heard through the council that there is a shortage and quick turnover of the staff.
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High staff turnover is a red flag of problems in upper management IMO. I would begin to look at other facilities in your area, I doubt that the Family Council will be able to effect any meaningful, long term changes.
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I can believe what you're saying is true, and if you read the contract there is probably a clause in it which states if care needs exceed what the facility can provide the resident can be asked to move or hire a private caregiver- many folks at my mom's facility have private aides and the rest are either mobile or just wait to be tended to - over the holidays especially the facility was short staffed and folks who normally are in bed by 7 pm were still up at 10 pm waiting in their wheelchairs
Mom's roommate is bed bound and oftentimes screams all night and they don't respond
I would love to see a family council but with the hours I work I don't have time to form one or meet during the weekdays
We too just got hit with a 5% increase which if it went to hire an additional caregiver per each shift I wouldn't be so miffed about- love to hear what your ED says to justify that when social security only increased 0.3%
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You're kidding right? You think Kayunsis' uncle made up mobility and well being issues?

Sure there are good people in this industry, more often than not the bad outweighs the good. Many workers bring their personal issues to the job, which can affect care of residents. This is also a high turnover industry mostly due to hard work and stress.

You have not seen this,because you were around at different times, What about the times you weren't?
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