
My mom had a stroke about 18 mos ago and has some brain damage from it. Short term memory gone. Many of the skills she use to have like using the computer is gone. My dad was declared incompetent yesterday and he is in better mental shape than she is and he thinks he is her primary care giver. She is very belligerent and of course finds reasons to say what ever doesn't go her way is my fault. This week her mental state has really declined. So is it possible to have the evaluation done in the home? She really is an involved as she can barely walk so she will call doctors and cancel appointments if the day comes and she doesn't think she needs to go.

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Make an appointment and don't tell her. Give the doctor's office your phone number. Make the appointment for after lunch. Take her to the appointment after lunch.
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Sometimes home health can arrange for in-home evals, but Babalou's idea is a good one. You can ask!
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