
Families will not be allowed in. Mom is 80 and has been talking about how she is looking forward to coming to my house for turkey. I'm just sick about disappointing her. How do we make the holiday special for her when she can't come out and we can't come in?

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will the facility allow her out the weekend before thanksgiving? Just do it on a different day if so and eat leftovers on thanksgiving. Or do a mini thanksgiving the weekend before.
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"We" put so much emphasis on holidays that it boggles my mind some times.
Do you see your mom during the week? On weekends? Why not make one of the visits a bit more "special" than another? Bring her a favorite meal that you can share.
I understand the facility and telling people that residents are not going to be permitted out.
If for example there are 100 residents and 50 of them leave. If they are picked up by just 1 person that is 50 walking germ pools entering the facility. (If they are picked up by more than 1 person double or triple that germ pool.)
Now they go home and kids, grandkids, aunts, uncles are all there. Even if we limit it to 10 people in the house that is another 9 germ pools.
Now everyone comes back to the facility and now you have 50 people entering the facility carrying the germs of 500 people.
Now the facility will have to quarantine these 50 people for the next 2 weeks. And that will put a strain on the staff.
Oh, the staff they all went home as well and they are going to come back carrying the germs of all their relatives .....
And you wait to find out if your mom passes the COVID test
And we do this all again in 1 month for Christmas, or in about 3 weeks for Hanukkah
The goal of this is to keep residents safe, keep staff safe. Sure it is disappointing but if your mom is one that gets sick because they did not do this, or if your mom is the one that brings COVID back to a facility and makes someone else ill...
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This situation is so difficult, but I think we have to follow the rules of the facilities. They are following specifications given to them by health officials. You could maybe help make your mom's Thanksgiving special by supporting the staff at the NH and send a slice of your mom's favorite pie, a slice of your turkey and cranberries, or whatever your mom loves. Or enough of something for her to share with other residents. My mom, I'm sure will have a good time at the assisted living home she is in. They always do up the holidays. My brother, however, is in rehab with 28 covid cases so far in the facility. I will leave something at the front entrance for him from my house and facetime with him a bit on our ipads. Even if allowed, he would not be able to leave, considering his condition. I hope the weather is good for a window visit with my mom at her place, maybe even at the kitchen window while the festivities are taking place. They finally decided there that the residents need to see each other and figured out a "safe" seating arrangement so they can be out of their rooms for meals. Good luck and have a nice holiday however you can.
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Grandma1954 Nov 2020
A facility will not permit the sharing of food with other residents particularly homemade food. Major potential for liability with allergies and possible foodborne illness from improperly made or stored foods.
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