
3 years ago my mother revoked my brother as her power of attorney when she came to live with me when he refused to visit her in intensive care. The POA was prepared by an attorney and has been properly filed with the courts, bank, etc. my mothers financial advisor continues to send my brother all of her bank statements, financial statements,etc even though she has requested that he is not to get them, due to the fact that he questions every penny she spends. She receives weekly phone calls from him questioning why she needs feminine products, lotion, personal items, as well as gas station receipts, home health care, and basically anything that she spends money for. Since she revoked his power of attorney should her financial advisor continue to send him any of her financial information. She is 95 years old and should not have to deal with his harassing phone calls from her estranged son. We have asked him not to call and upset his mother but he continues to so because her financial advisor alerts him every time she writes a check or uses her debit card. We don't know if we should ignore him, call elder care abuse hotline or hire an attorney to legally ask why her financial advisor is still sharing her personal information with someone she has made clear both legally and verbally that she does not want involved in her finances. Any advice would be appreciated.

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Has the financial advisor been notified in writing that the former poa has been revoked, and has he been given a copy of the new one? If he has it would be unethical to continue to share any information with your brother.
You didn't specifically say, are you now her poa? If so YOU need to act on her behalf, confront the financial advisor and regain control of her accounts and information.
Bank accounts can be changed, and so can financial advisors if necessary.
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The financial advisor is out of line, releasing what now has become information that should no longer be shared with your brother.

I would send her a letter, by certified or registered mail, advising her to cease and desist this practice. Advise you that failing compliance, you will find another financial advisor. Actually, I would do that one way or another. She doesn't sound very responsible if she has a copy of the DPOA but for 3 years has been defying by revealing privileged information.

You might also do some investigation of financial advisor regulation to determine if there's a financial oversight board to which you can report her.

Her behavior is inexcusable.
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Yes, she was given the legal document as soon as it was filed. And yes, I am now her legal power of attorney.
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