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If the Mobile Home is in a mobile home park, it is a legal requirement to have home owner's insurance to be able to keep it there.

Investigate the MRL (mobile home residency law), also on
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I am surprised if the insurance will even COVER This anymore.
My brother's last beloved little home was in a historic trailer park in Palm Springs. Very old trailers, and kept up so beautifully. He was informed when he moved that it would be very unlikely to be insurable in his absence. Too many ways for things to go wrong.

If you are willing to see the total loss, then don't insure. I am assuming you are not renting it out.
Medicaid may or may not take it. But I think you are right in assuming they may.
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rhubbard55 Feb 27, 2024
Home is on land she owns and the insurance co. did not know it was un occupied. That is kinda what prompted this question. My brother and me are paying her bills as her money has ran out. Does medicaid require or even care if we keep it insured?
Your mother still has property in her name and has been in a nursing home for three years? I'm suprised the nursing home hasn't insisted that the mobile home be placed for sale.

You should keep it insured if that's a condition to keep it on the park property. You can however deduct the cost of the insurance and the fees it costs every month to keep the place where it is. Talk to a real estate lawyer for a free consultation just to make sure this is so in your state.
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I would suggest evaluating the need to pay insurance as part of the overall plan to pay for space rent, taxes, and maintenance.

If someone is living in the home, they should pay for the expenses. If this costs more than renting a similar home, or if the home is vacant, then maybe it’s time to consider whether selling the home and spending down the proceeds is a good idea.

Does Mom need anything that the spend down money could go towards?

I can see how a park would require insurance to at least pay for the removal of the remains of the home after a fire or hurricane so they don’t have to pay for it themselves.
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You need an elder attorney who understands Medicaid law for SC.

The laws for Medicaid and recovery are state specific.

Does mom have a POA? Does mom have dementia?

Are you and brother paying the property taxes etc? In some states the taxes can be deferred for seniors until their death.

One option might be (state specific ) that you sell the home, use the proceeds to pay the attorney and mom’s funeral (as an example) if that’s outstanding. This is all time sensitive and may or may not be an option. You don’t want to jeopardize moms Medicaid eligibility. That’s why you see the attorney. Have all the documents, taxes, copy of her application etc with you when you see the attorney. Some might tell you on a short phone call if you should go through the exercise, if they could help you manage the process, what their fee would be etc.

Some recoveries are too difficult due to location, condition of the property, etc. and the property ends up being sold for back taxes. Check things out with a professional so you know what mom’s options are. If she is just now filing for Medicaid even more of a reason to see a qualified elder attorney, well versed in Medicaid law for her state.
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If no one is living in it and you ran out of money, why not sell it now?
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